Dammit Peter wtf?? Why didn't you gas him or something back at ur place? He just decided to poke that old ass with a stick instead -_-

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The Observer teleporty fight between Peter and Windmark was awesome. Too bad that's the end of Peter's adventures in Observerdom.

Peter can "read futures" and see where certain people are going to be. This episode even demonstrates that Windmark (aka Observers in general) can do it as well. So why the hell haven't they been doing that on the Fringe team constantly? They could just always know where the Fringe team is and teleport in. Convenient abilities that only manifest when the plot needs them to are convenient.

Why bother making one of the kidnappers seem reluctant if they were both going to get killed anyways? Waste of time.

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Olivia is Scully to Peter's Mulder. Two women so patient with these men lol Peter really lucked out.

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One of the best episode of the series today ... Now, I was curious! kkk

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