Love the old 80s and 90s movies Arnold starred in. But this first episode was just weak. Maybe I should lower my expectations, but I didn't have much fun watching it.

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Rotten Tomatoes rated it bad, so you know it is good. They rated it bad due to cliches. Cliches are why I was interested. We need more 80’s and 90’s action movie cliches these days.
It’s nice to see Arnold again and he still got it. He can almost pull off that he is 75 playing a 65 year old. It just could have used the kind of smart screenplay that True Lies had.
It’s also lacking a Tom Arnold who stole the show in True Lies. None of the supporting actors are as funny.

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This is a ton of fun. Could end up being my favorite thing Arnold has done in like 20 years lol

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This was probably the worst Arnold show I’ve ever seen. It’s so obvious he did this for the money. And I’m guessing he took so much money, it’s the reason why the production values are so low.

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Loved the first episode, but thought it was a movie when they advertised it.

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Cheap comedy and unrealistic action scenes. Severely under expectations.

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We love to see Arnold on the big screen or small screen. So far this episode is brilliant

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This first episode is so bad that I can't find the motivation to continue. It's big and there is no suspense except to know the level of nullity achievable.

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This is basically a TV version of True Lies. Great first episode, I’m going to keep watching.

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Not bad. Not amazing, either. Just entertaining. I mean, it’s Netflix.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger is too slow that I couldn't finish watching.

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I'm Dutch and I have no idea WTF is said at the beginning of this episode. Either by Arnold or the voice on the phone. Also, people from Antwerp speak Flemish, not Dutch. A subtle distinction, kinda like how British and American English differ, but it sounds really stupid if you know the difference.

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