Personal Lists featuring...

Future Man 2017


Shows and movies released between the years 2010 and 2019.


Tv shows I'm interest in. Shows only


TV shows I intend to watch at some point when I have time.

Ranked by IMDb rating.

Last Updated: May 22, 2024


Shows that finished. I watched it all.


IMDb's Top TV Shows released between 2015 and 2019.

Minimum of 25,000 votes, minimum rating of 6.0, maximum 250 shows.

Last Updated: May 22, 2024


This is a list of science fiction movies and series that I've watched or plan to watch. These movies and series contain at least one typical sci-fi element like advanced / futuristic science or technology (for the era that movie/series takes place), space exploration, time travel, parallel universes or extratrerrestial life.


This is a list of post-apocalyptic movies and series that I've watched or plan to watch. These movies and series are set in a scenario where the world as we know it ended due to nuclear, environmantal or pandemic catastrophes.


This lists includes all shows I have watched entirely since 2018 that are ranked based on the individual average of all seasons ratings (with tiebreakers going to longer runtimes).

Rating Scale:
10 - This show must be magical!
9 - Had AT LEAST one of my favorite individual seasons of all time and the quality remained great throughout.
8 - High quality throughout the series from start to finish.
7 - Good show, but likely had some high and low points.
6 - If it averaged this low, I am not sure why I am watching it for more than two seasons.
5 - It lacks entertainment value, I am not sure how this has multiple seasons.

Please Note: Must include at least two seasons; also note, spin off shows will be included in the main show UNLESS there are two or more seasons of that spin off.


List of all my favourite movies and TV series.


Shows I watched or plan to watch that are already aired.
