Shouts about...

Future Man

Season 2

I loved season 1, but I think season 2 eclipsed it in every way. Started off a little slow but finished really strong. Had me laughing out loud a lot

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While I have to applaud the show for changing things up so much and not repeating what has come before, honestly I found the new direction to be a bit too much to take. I could barely recognise the show I enjoyed so much before and I just couldn't get into this. It completely lost the fun factor and changed the character's personalities too much, leaving us stuck in a really uninteresting and unpleasant future. Splitting up Josh, Tiger and Wolf for the majority of the season was a poor decision too.

This also felt a lot cheaper, especially with how it stayed in the same location the whole time.

There were good moments throughout and I thought the last couple of episodes helped redeem things a bit (despite Seth Rogen making a completely unnecessary appearance that felt too much like ego-stroking). It's been announced that season 3 will be the final one so I'll probably watch it to finish the story up, but I really hope it returns to the fun time travel antics of season 1.

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Many episodes are just 5 minutes of story stretched into a half hour. Not nearly as good as the first season.

Almost everything that was fun about the first season is gone. The pacing is very slow. The characters are a shadow of their first season versions and are far more pathetic, stupid, and annoying. The social commentary is way too obvious and one track.

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