Bronn: The little King's backed up. Clogged from balls to brains.

Tyrion:You think "dipping his wick" will cure what ails him?

Bronn: There's no cure for being a cunt.

A sellsword from an unknown family with zero aristocratic blood/recognition had Joffrey pegged within the first 30 seconds of being in Joffrey's presence.

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Shout by cocodavos

I liked Renly. Wish they kept him around longer.

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just love Tyrion's Machiavellian ways

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"I'm not threatening the king, ser. I am educating my nephew."

  • Tyrion Lannister
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  • okay.. Now wth was that ??
  • I want Joffrey to die
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Joffrey is such an evil hateable character but I sort of love it? He’s an incredible villain you can’t wait to see get what he deserves.

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Melisandre: "You should kneel before your brother. He's the Lord's chosen. Born amidst salt and smoke."
Renly: "Born amidst salt and smoke. Is he a ham?"

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Of course we all hated Joffrey since few episodes back, but this episode really was one to hate him and wish his death. And what was that coming out Melisandre?!

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Episode was good. Just it went too far in some parts. Especially that scene between Joffrey and the two women.

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I guess it had too many drastic scenes for my liking, it seems to me I prefer reading than having everything shown to me.

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Holy moley wtf was that

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melisandre wth was that???
tyrion great as always

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I don't know what about history/plot of this episode.

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