Wow! What a good finale. It tied everything together but didn't solve the overall mystery. I was a little sad about the dad not getting the job. Then we see him on the show with Miles. Even though Cara leaves for France at the end it still left me feeling good about the whole thing. Which is why I watch a show like this. There are plenty of shows where things always end up sucking.

The tease cliffhanger at the end was just right.

Playing against GoT this week was a tough time slot for the finale.

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"... and you deserve to say it."

Brandon Micheal Hall completely undersold that line, but it still absolutely slayed me. I think God Friended Me's romantic streak might be its biggest edge over other spiritually inclined dramas. For example: it's been a long time since I've seen a will-they-won't-they that didn't drive me up the wall, but there's just something so genuine about Cara and Miles' feelings for each other. Their doubts and vacillations have always felt like they sprung from that strong attraction and mutual affection, and not designs to keep them apart in order to string along the plot.

One more thing: Derek Luke's performance as Henry Chase was just perfect. This is a man who suffered a terrible loss, was spurred by his grief into a mission, and then had that mission – and the close friends who was supposed to be helping him fulfill it – taken away. Chase wasn't the hinted-at shadowy mastermind behind the God Account, just an utterly broken and damaged man, and Luke depicts all of that masterfully.

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Shout by kinky

It was so heartwarming to see familiar faces from previous episodes reuniting with the gang for the season finale. The whole episode actually had a series finale vibe, but I'm glad that cliffhanger works just fine for either a series or a season finale. Let's see if there'll be more from the God account in a few months... And I loved the fact that they didn't solve the mystery of the God account. I still believe that if they had done it, the show would be over. There's nothing like a good mystery lingering in the air!

Also, I thought it was rather cheeky the show runners splitting up Miles and Cara without actually having them break up. But I can already sense a new love interest for Miles after that cliffhanger...

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Genius ending. Brilliant show. So glad it has a season 2.

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