Once again I am in tears. Not sure how this program does it as I am not emotional at all. The writing is still perfect, the non pushing cara and miles together continues to be a topic for discussion, which I am sure the writers want.

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Miles reminds me of a young Eddie Murphy, how he was in Coming to America. I really hope there is a 2nd season, however not sure you can get better than this

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Man, that "coming full circle" scene at the end was a beautiful thing! I wonder if the show will have more of that in store for us...?

This episode was heavy on the multicultural diversity! I really like how they keep throwing into the show different religious beliefs, sexual preferences and whatnot, and everything always turns out peachy at the end, not by magic, but by logic, reason and good writing.

But, really, WTH?! Are they trying to set separate paths for Miles and Cara, now? Just let that dark and white chocolate finally mix together in a delicious hot beverage, damn it!

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