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Season 1

When it wasn't focusing on Fish Mooney, Gotham's first season was pretty great. The Fish Mooney storyline, in my opinion, wasn't necessary to the plot. They could have easily found ways to make the show work without her. It was, however, wonderful seeing the characters when they were young and getting to witness the reasons (even if they aren't the comic book reasons) why they became the characters we know and sometimes love or even hate from the movies and comic books.

Since certain characters don't survive this season's finale, I think Season 2 will be much more enjoyable. In Season 2, we will watch the villains rise and finally become the characters we've always known in the Gotham universe.

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I agree with people that you honestly have to get past the first half of the season and it gets a lot better

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Mha,we can save Nygma , Penguin, Cat... but the serial is veeeery veeery bored

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Like Larry, in Orange Is the New Black, Fish Moonie's story needs to be cut to help focus the show's main storyline. Every time I see her, it takes me out of the Gotham world and down a road I just don't care about.

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I agree. Fish is a pointless character, maybe she was used to get people to watch since Nada Pickett Smith is some what know. Do not like her.

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