Damn. What an episode. Maroni should really know better than to let Cobblepot live; that man is a vicious little thing and he will definitely kill Maroni when the time comes.

I knew it wasn't just for shit and giggles when the show made Gruber look like Freud in his physical resemblance, but I don't why the shock therapy attacks only began after Gordon got transferred to Arkham Asylum.

Yay for Morena Baccarin as Dr. Thompson!

Barbara seriously needs to get off her pills; they are not doing any wonders for her emotional well-being. Ivy though, the girl is a vicious little bitch. She and Selina stay at someone else's house uninvited and leave without even cleaning the dishes first?! Street kids these days.

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Bullock is so great in this episode

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God barbara needs to make up her damn mind. So she comes to Falcons to beg for Jim’s life but two episodes later she’s “over him”?

bi-polar bitches i swear :man_facepalming: Bullock was right about her.

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I'm loving this show. Jim Gordon in Arkham , this show is beyond my imagination

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Catching up on DVR. Yay it's Allyce Beasley from "Moonlighting". Haven't seen her in years.

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Bullock is so great in this episode

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