While I absolutely support what Maggie said about black girls being in more danger than while people and nobody doing anything about it, the part of her speech about how COVID is killing black people at a bigger rate than white people, and how if it was the other way around everyone would be wearing masks as it would be mandatory to protect white people, it made no sense.

Sometimes, Americans forget that the rest of the world exists.

As a person from a European country where literally almost everyone is white, let me tell you that COVID is killing a lot of white people and still nobody wears a mask because people are just stupid and don't care about anyone's wellbeing but their own.

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Seeing DeLuca take care of his own mental health is so good to see!

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Altman talking about "her Allison" makes me remember that awful episode where they introduced that storyline out of the blue trying to convince us that this Allison person was the love of Teddy's life when we have never heard about her, and they changed Teddy's whole character into a cheater! And seriously, you can't be mad at Owen for finding out his wife named their daughter after an ex-lover!

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I liked more this show when politics Was a little part, nowadays they just talk about politics and “injustices”

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Meredith going on a vent was like a punch to the gut for me. I really hope the trafficking plot doesn't carry on more than next episode, we don't really need a reminder that other crap happens during the pandemic, I'm sure we're all aware!

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Shout by Reiko LJ

It's taken me 3 months to bring myself to watch more Grey's. The harsh realities of the covid storylines are too much to bear. I'm crossing everything hoping they will do a time jump or something and show us all past this.
Give us something to hope for not more to cry for.

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