Shouts about...

Hanna: Season 1

1x01 Forest

A decent beginning with good casting. My only gripe is that it's hard to believe that a couple of seemingly harmless kids trespassing on a sat dish would result in anything more than a routine report, if that. But here, it sets off a bunch of red flags that somehow make it into a report that makes its way to the bad guys in just three days? That's a bit of a stretch. Something had to bring in the outside world, sure, but this was a pretty weak way to do it.

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Not only the dude from the Killing but also the mini detective lady.

That was pretty good. I've waiting on this since they first announced it. I really like the movie and was hoping they'd do a good job and they have.

I do want to see the girl fight when not in a parka. I'll be able to see if the actress looks comfortable with the action.

Now we wait a month for the rest.

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It surprised me personally. At first I thought it would be bad, but I can't say it was very good, but it was pretty good. I love this kind of series. This series has exactly the atmosphere I want. I will continue. Have a good time everyone.

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It started well, we keep seeing

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Shout by Lineage
BlockedParent2019-02-05T00:06:44Z— updated 2019-12-26T20:56:57Z

Decent beginning. I haven't watched the movie (yet), but I imagine Hanna is some sort of an enhanced human being. That's already very likely given that she hears things a little before someone else does, and that loud noises cause her to cover her ears, not because she's never heard them before but because they're much louder to her due to enhanced hearing/senses. Either she was an ordinary child, born normally, that was experimented on, or she was never ordinary from the start. I doubt she's the biological daughter of Erik and his girlfriend as well. I may be off the mark with that assumption, I'll admit, but I don't think I'm incorrect with the theory that she's enhanced in some way. Overall, I didn't get the impression that this will be THAT good, just that it'll be good enough for watchable material to pass the time.

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Not bad did not expect it so good i never heard of it.

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Is the new Hanna girl be the new Saoirse Ronan in the future? Will see.

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