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History Channel Documentaries

Season 2009 2007 - 2009

  • 2009-01-04T00:00:00Z on UKTV History
  • 45m
  • 1d 9h 45m (45 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • Documentary
The History Channel is a satellite and cable TV channel, devoted mainly to historical events and persons. Programming covers a wide array of periods and topics, while similar topics are often organized into themed weeks or daily marathons. Subjects include military history, medieval history, the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, modern engineering, and historical biographies.

68 episodes


2009x02 Nostradamus: 2012

2009x02 Nostradamus: 2012

  • 2009-01-04T00:00:00Z45m

According to the predictions of 16th-century soothsayer Nostradamus, the world will experience a major cataclysmic event--or perhaps even end--on December 21, 2012. This release presents a History channel special investigating the dire prophecy.


2009x03 The CIA and the Nazis

2009x03 The CIA and the Nazis

  • 2009-03-07T00:00:00Z45m

The deadly virus SARS spread through Hong Kong in 2003. Experts speculate on its devastating power and what would happen if it…

A clay tablet baked by apocalyptic fires; strange stone fortresses built hundreds of miles above sea level; hieroglyphs that tell of a terrifying invasion. Are these the clues that will unravel the mystery behind the greatest cataclysm of the ancient world?
Travel back to 1200 BC, the era of the Great Pyramids and the world's first written languages - and witness an ancient Armageddon, where nearly every known civilisation was destroyed. What could have caused it? Plague? Pestilence? Natural Disaster? The wrath of avenging gods?
The theories were many, but nearly every
scenario now includes one mysterious and massively destructive factor - a force only the Egyptians would survive long enough to name:
The Sea People...

More than just a biography, this film explores Bruce Lee's global impact to see how he has influenced all areas of popular culture including fitness, cinema, music, sport, dance, video games and philosophy. A journey across the United States, Asia and Europe, takes Shannon Lee on a trip back to her father's roots in Hong Kong and China. With unique access to the family's photographic archive, home movies and all material owned by the Bruce Lee Foundation.

While exploring the history of some of the traditional events surrounding the holiday season, hostile comic Lewis Black consults with experts about avoiding stress, Kwanzaa, Chanukah, Saint Nicholas, New Year’s Eve and more.

The deadliest weapon on the battlefield is neither bullet nor gun; it's the lone sniper. Journey inside the science and psychology behind the greatest shots in military history, through the scope of the world's most extreme marksmen. Deconstruct the missions, ranging from Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan, presented by the men who were there and pulled the trigger. For the first time on American television Canadian sniper Robert Furlong, tells the story of his history-making shot in Afghanistan--striking a Taliban fighter from 1.5 miles away. Ballistics... Tactics... Weaponry... Stalking... This two-hour special examines these critical components in vivid detail, combining interviews with cinematic reenactments, CGI and present day shooting demonstrations to put the viewer squarely inside the crosshairs.


2009x09 Holy Grail in America

2009x09 Holy Grail in America

  • 2009-09-19T23:00:00Z45m

In 1898, a Minnesota farmer clearing trees from his field uproots a large stone covered with mysterious runes. Now known as the Kensington Rune Stone, it details a journey of land acquisition and murder--in the year 1362. Thought by some to be a hoax, new evidence suggests it could be real, and a clue that the Knights Templar discovered America 100 years before Columbus, perhaps bringing with them history's greatest treasure...The Holy Grail.

See how symbols on the Rune Stone match Templar ruins all over Europe. History tells us the Templar were massacred on Friday the 13th, but that a Templar fleet allegedly containing treasure was last seen off Scotland in the late 1300s. Stones with similar markings as the Rune stone have been found on islands across the Atlantic Ocean, as well as in Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Is it possible the Templar were leaving clues to an incredible journey to the New World?

2009x10 Sun Tzu: The Art of War

  • 2009-05-08T23:00:00Z45m

Documentary detailing the philosophy of Sun Tzu; A Chinese general who wrote the fundamental principles of war. This program analyzes wars in recent history and explains how Sun Tzu's philosophy is still relevant today.


2009x11 The Real Goldfinger

2009x11 The Real Goldfinger

  • 2009-06-06T23:00:00Z45m

In the 60s British cinema audiences were transfixed as James Bond foiled the evil plans of a villain called Goldfinger. Little did they know that Goldfinger's plot to break into Fort Knox was not just a work of fiction, but a version of a true story that happened in London in 1914.

Armageddon. It is a universal theme that has spanned centuries and cultures…and has, as some say, become increasingly more relevant today.

Surprisingly, however, a final chapter of this apocalyptic end has received little examination: the actual final battle between God and Satan, good and evil. The Bible points to a battlefield at Meggido in present day Israel, with each side taking a series of steps that will lead up to, and unfold, during this actual battle. What will this battle look like? Where do the stories come from, and how have they differed throughout history, between religions?

God vs. Satan: The Final Battle will take viewers on a tour of the final days, and moments, as envisioned by believers of the three Abrahamic religions.


2009x13 The Beatles on Record

2009x13 The Beatles on Record

  • 2009-11-25T00:00:00Z45m

A collection of interviews and footage of the band detailing how their sound progressed and how their albums were made.

Michael Wood travels through Syria and Iraq to uncover the story of Alexander the Greats decisive battle against the might of the Persian Empire in 331 BCE. Ancient writers agreed that it was fought somewhere near the city of Irbil in northern Iraq but the exact location has never been discovered.

Using dramatic new finds in the UK a cuneiform clay tablet in the British Museum and a papyrus dug up in Egypt Michael sheds new light on the course of events. Then to reconstruct the campaign he follows Alexanders route through Damascus and Alleppo to the river Euphrates in Syria and travels into Northern Iraq with the British and US military.

Exploring a landscape long barred to outsiders by Saddam Hussein he carries out a detailed reconnaissance on the ground with US forces on patrol between Mosul and Kurdistan.
Accompanied by the Head of British forces in Iraq General Sir Rob Fry he pieces together the dramatic events that led to this ancient War of the Worlds and finally with the help of Kurdish villagers solves a mystery that has baffled historians and archaeologists for centuries.


2009x15 Day After Disaster

2009x15 Day After Disaster

  • 2009-09-27T23:00:00Z45m

In the current climate of widespread national security concerns in the U.S., many people worry that the threat of a nuclear attack on American soil is more plausible than ever. In this chilling program, get a firsthand look at what would happen if a nuclear bomb exploded in the heart of Washington, D.C.

2009x16 Stealing Lincoln's Body

  • 2009-02-16T00:00:00Z45m

Before Lincoln finally came to rest in a steel-and-concrete-reinforced underground vault in Springfield, the President’s body was repeatedly exhumed and moved, his coffin frequently opened. An astonishing and macabre series of events also included a diabolical bodysnatching-for-ransom scheme. This remarkable final chapter is the subject of the gripping two-hour special. Bringing this astounding story to life like no other before it, the program features moving images of Abraham Lincoln, digitally created from actual historical photographs. For the first time, Lincoln walks and moves according to the historical record. The moving images and some of the stills showcase the first “virtual photography” of Lincoln and the only “virtual motion” pictures of him ever created. Using computer-generated imagery, it illustrates key sections of the story and brings them to life, often with startling effect.

When Lincoln died, his former law partner William Herndon talked to over 250 friends for a now forgotten biography. Using his original papers, Douglas Wilson and Rodney Davis published Herndon's Informants 130 years later. Drawing on this rich new source, we paint an intimate portrait of Lincoln drawn from fact not myth.


2009x18 Death Masks

2009x18 Death Masks

  • 2009-10-26T00:00:00Z45m

Faces…and facts…fleshed out from the grave. Unprecedented technology brings to life extraordinary mirror images and powerful last impressions of history’s most powerful men. Every line, every wrinkle, every expression tells a story. Forensic-science and anthropology experts have identified that history’s most relevant figures left behind highly-detailed casts of their faces, created at their moment of death, to preserve their souls and physical memory for eternity. Using advanced facial-reconstruction techniques and 3-D imprint detailing, these death masks render an exact replica of every feature, and an intimate look at how their characteristics affected their lives. Includes startling new insights into the persistent mysteries surrounding these historic icons like Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon and George Washington, and just may reveal some secrets these men preferred to conceal.

He ruled with an iron fist, treating his people like grist for the mill of power and threatening the world with his expansionist fantasies. One of the most influential and notorious leaders of the 20th century, he was likely also the greatest murderer of history, sending an estimated 20 million people to their deaths.

STALIN: MAN OF STEEL is a multi-faceted portrait of the man who succeeded Lenin as the head of the Soviet Union. With a captivating blend of period documents, newly-released information, newsreel and archival footage and interviews with experts, the program examines his rise to power, deconstructs the cult of personality that helped him maintain an iron grip over his vast empire, and analyzes the policies he introduced, including the deadly expansion of the notorious gulags where he banished so many of his countrymen to certain death

When the Berlin Wall was built with a few railway cars and a lot of barbed wire in August 1961, no one could have foreseen its rise and fall. In this feature-length special, HISTORY uses computer imagery to reconstruct how the wall grew from a meager obstacle to a mighty barrier of seven concentric walls with ditches, fences, signal wires, tank-traps and a flood-lit death strip patrolled by half-starved dogs a nearly impenetrable barricade with a 96-mile circumference, 200-plus bunkers and 302 watchtowers. RISE AND FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL gets firsthand accounts from the people who tried to escape this Wall of Death by any means possible, including tunnels, hot air balloons, wind surfing boats, bi-planes and a cable railway. Additional interviews with the security officials who designed the wall and Stasi men who protected it, border guards, politicians, historians and journalists help to breathe life into the Cold War icon whose demise, beginning on November 9, 1989, signaled the start of one of history s most dramatic political transformations.

Just hours before his death, John F. Kennedy appeared before a crowd in Fort Worth, Texas to honor the freedoms of America in what would be his final speech. Though the Zapruder film, a silent, 8mm home movie of the presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza, is the most complete visual recording of JFK s assassination, it is just part of a vast record of sights and sounds captured on camera that day. This four-hour special from HISTORYTM uses unique, rarely seen and heard footage to document the Kennedy assassination and the nearly 50 years of speculation and controversy that changed America. Home movies from eyewitnesses, Dallas police dispatch radio recordings, and raw news footage provide a shocking, unflinching look at the assassination of the president and the days that followed while examining the aftermath, and the enduring controversies, that emerged as succeeding generations of Americans struggled to comprehend the sudden murder of an unforgettable leader.

Travel back to 1969 and uncover fascinating trends, people and events that forever changed the way Americans think about and have sex. Viewers will travel from the Playboy Penthouse in Los Angeles to San Francisco's Hippie crash pads, New York's Gay baths.

A behind-the-scenes look at November 22, 1963 from the unique perspective of Lyndon Johnson. On his pivotal first day as President, Lyndon Johnson is put to the test as he contends with the jarring transfer of political power and the daunting challenge of securing the trust of a devastated nation.


2009x25 The Bible Unearthed

2009x25 The Bible Unearthed

  • 2009-03-26T00:00:00Z45m

Considering the Bible is one of the most analysed books in all of literature, that it raises contentious debate is nothing new.
What is new, however; are the assertions of Finkelstein and Silberman, including that the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob never existed; and that the Exodus and the conquest of Canaan - the 'Promised Land' - never actually happened. While many scholars dispute the assertions of Finkelstein and Silberman, what is certain is that the debate these assertions have raised casts a shadow of doubt over what has been regarded as history by so many; in particular affecting the history of Israel as a nation.


2009x26 The Art of War

2009x26 The Art of War

  • 2009-05-08T23:00:00Z45m

Documentary on the main principles of Sun Tsu "Art of War" illustrated with examples from the second world war, the Vietnam war and the American civil war.

Before Kokoda, before the bombing of Darwin, Australia came under attack from the full might of the Japanese Empire - Rabaul, 1942. In the ensuing carnage of aerial bombardments and an armada not seen in Australian waters before, a small garrison of Australian soldiers, forgotten by many , made a courageous stand against an insurmountable force. Some men would escape, some would be shipped to Japan, but most - 1053 in total - would perish in Australia's greatest maritime disaster, The Tragedy of the Montevideo Maru.

The first part deals with the search for Arminius identity. Coming from a simple village of the Cherusci settlement and the dense forests of Germania, the Romans kidnap him under a treaty made in their civilization. They educate him and train him into a soldier. He proved himself in the suppression of a revolt against the Romans in Pannonia, and finally returns to the side of the Roman governor Varus, thereby returning to his homeland.

Part two is all about the legendary battle in the Teutoburg Forest. Arminius knows that the disciplined Romans are superior to the Germanic warriors. Therefore, he wants to exploit the trust of Varus' and to lead the Romans into the rugged forests of Germania, where they would attack. They almost see through his trickery: Segestes, the old clan leader of Cherusci and ally of Rome tries to warn Varus. But the thought that a man raised and educated in Rom such as Arminius could switch sides was unimaginable. Varus gives no credence to the accusations, orders the march, and leads his legions into ruin.

Fifty years before the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, Frenchman Auguste Mariette and German Emil Brugsch worked together to identify and decipher the contents of the tombs where the Pharaohs were laid to rest. They discovered the names and dates of Egypt’s earliest Pharaohs, and they found the tomb of the greatest Pharaoh of them all, Ramses II.

Clash of the Cavemen It was an epic battle of brains versus brawn that determined the course of human history. In this scenario, based on scientific theories, witness our prehistoric ancestors as they clash with a completely different species of humans, the Neanderthals, some 30,000 years ago in Ice Age Europe. In CLASH OF THE CAVEMEN, cinematic re-creations and state-of-the-art CGI bring to life the Neanderthals--stocky, powerful and able to tolerate intense pain--and their foes, the Cro-Magnons--weaker and more fragile but with a superior brain capable of complex thought. This cinema-quality documentary from HISTORY uses the latest science to re-create the surroundings and dangers they endured: massive four-legged predators, punishing temperatures, and the unrelenting threat of starvation. Cutting-edge archaeological and anthropological research, including data from the ongoing Neanderthal genome mapping project at Germany s Max Planck Institute, lends up-to-the- minute realism and accuracy to this cataclysmic fight to the finish.


2009x35 Extreme Marksmen

2009x35 Extreme Marksmen

  • 2009-01-19T00:00:00Z45m

In this sequel to Sharp Shooters discover people who perform seemingly impossible shooting feats with all kinds of firearms. Watch world-class shooters perform amazing shots as well as reenact shots made famous in history. Stories will include the toughest shot in Old West shooting exhibitions (the mirror shot) as well as modern-day Army snipers who hit targets a mile away. Super high-speed cameras will capture a bullet in the air and travel with its trajectory to the target and animation will dissect the technology of the gun, the ammunition, and the technique.


2009x36 First Apocalypse

2009x36 First Apocalypse

  • 2009-01-07T00:00:00Z45m

FIRST APOCALYPSE looks at how we can learn from the dinosaur's fall from grace and how much our own fate may be intertwined with theirs. Are we doomed to follow in the dinosaurs footsteps or can we face down extinction?

Perhaps this fear is why we are so fascinated by the demise of a species that lived millions of years ago. If something so large that ruled the earth for so long can be wiped out in a matter of centuries, what does that say about our ultimate survival?

The world we live in may already be in the throws of its own mass extinction... a new apocalypse.


2009x37 Alaska: Most Extreme

2009x37 Alaska: Most Extreme

  • 2009-04-15T23:00:00Z45m

A compilation of dangerous situations documented in Alaska. Included: an avalanche cuts power to the city of Juneau; police respond to a moose sighting in Anchorage; a hovercraft delivers mail and supplies to a remote village.

The CSS Albemarle held back Union ships from North Carolina until Liutenant William B. Cushing and a group of volunteers launched a surprise attack using a tiny boat and a spare torpeds. The Albemarle sank, shortening the war and making Cushing, the only survivor, a hero.

2009x39 April 1865

  • no air date45m

Documentary about the american civil war.

It was a month of terrible possibilities: continues guerrilla warfare, a coup and a destroyed government after Lincoln's assassination. This documentary examines how the nation avoided mayhem and continued bloodshed.

It was the single deadliest day in American history: twelve hours of fighting and nearly 23,000 casualties.

The stakes for both sides were high, but what accounted for the bloodshed?

Experts in archaeology, weapons and patholody explore this haunting question.

At Shiloh, the South stunned Northern forces with a surprise attack and soon took a commanding position.

Why then did they withdraw in disarray the very next day?

Using forensic evidence, this documentary presents a new theory as to why things went awry for the south at Shiloh.

Both sides engaged in covert operations designed to frighten the enemy, disrupt supply lines and destroy morale.

Among the ingenious examples were a plot to burn down New York City, daring prison breaks, the deployment of Railroad torpedoes and guerilla warfare.

The biggest battle in all of Kansas and the largest cavalryattack of the entire war took place at Mine Creek, with the Union winning a stunning victory.

Why, in spit of all this, is Mine Creek virtually unknown?

Guns were around for centuries before the 1860s, but the innovations of the Industrial Revolution brought them to a new level of precision and handling.

The deadly result: more Americans were killed in the Civil War than in all other American wars combined.

From 1862 to 1865, 26,000 Confederate soldiers passed through Camp Douglas, a rarely mentined prisoner-of-war camp in Chicago.

Inhumane conditions - filth, disease, starvation, torture and bitter cold - resulted in the deaths of 6,000 men at this "Andersonville of the North"

General Williams Tecumsch Sherman's total war strategy against the South helped end the Civil War and forever changed the nation.

This documentary explores Sherman's brutal and effective campaign which not only saved the Lincoln presidency, the Union and thousands of lives, but also made Sherman one of the most hated and controversial figures in American history.

Terra incognita for centuries, Bhutan is now going to become a parliamentary democracy. BHUTAN: BIRTH OF A DEMOCRACY offers background information about this transformation and provides an insight into this nearly unknown society and its beliefs. Filmed over two years, the filmmaker had exclusive access to people and politicians. Bhutan has opened up (a little) and what we hear about it continues to provoke the imagination: a Kingdom with a development policy that is focused on national happiness rather than national product; an economy based on sustainable development; an approach to conservation which designates a third of the country’s area as national parks; and, on top of it all, a King who abdicates in favor of his young son and abandons his prerogatives to establish a parliamentary democracy. Through characters drawn from different elements of Bhutanese society, the film sketches a portrait of this world in transition, this country which has so long chosen to be closed to the world and whose king has provided it with the motto: "Gross national happiness is more important than gross national product."


2009x48 Fight For Oil

2009x48 Fight For Oil

  • 2009-01-01T00:00:00Z45m

Chronicles the 100 year period since the discovery of oil. Profiles the rise and fall of British rule in the region, the Soviet's 'power politics,' imperialism and other issues which have dominated the demand for control of the world's oil supply from its discovery through today. The three-part series profiles how oil was first cultivated and the social and political impacts not only for the Middle East, but the rest of the world, too.


2009x49 Henry Kissinger

2009x49 Henry Kissinger

  • 2009-01-02T00:00:00Z45m

Born in Germany in 1923, Henry Kissinger escaped the Nazi regime to become a powerful and controversial U.S. statesman. He first rose to prominence as a Harvard University professor and advisor to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. As national security advisor (1969-75) and secretary of state (1973-77) to Nixon and Gerald Ford, he negotiated arms treaties with the Soviet Union and earned a Nobel Prize for ending U.S. involvement in North Vietnam. After leaving the cabinet, he chaired the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America and served on the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.


2009x50 Hitler's Forgers

2009x50 Hitler's Forgers

  • 2009-02-03T00:00:00Z45m

A glimpse on how Hitler recruted Jew technicians in order to make the most unknown frauds in WWII


2009x51 Sicily's Mummies

2009x51 Sicily's Mummies

  • 2009-12-17T00:00:00Z45m

Scattered across the island of Sicily, beneath picturesque churches, are thousands of mummified bodies. And most mysterious of all is one of the last to be enshrined: shes known as the sleeping beauty Rosalia Lombardo a child barely two years old when she died nearly a century ago, somehow her corpse remains flawlessly preserved.

Now, for the first time, a scientific team of mummy hunters is on the case, unearthing hundreds of Sicilys miraculous dead, exploring how this baffling culture of mummification could operate within the Catholic Church itself, and finally, revealing the secret formula behind Rosalias perfect preservation.


2009x52 The Miracle Of Leipzig

2009x52 The Miracle Of Leipzig

  • 2009-09-23T23:00:00Z45m

Leipzig in the autumn of 1989: thousands of East Germans take to the streets. They are demanding more freedom, civil rights, democracy! The people are rising up in protest against a state which suppresses its own citizens, incites people to spy on each other and keeps them under constant surveillance.

Within just a few weeks, what began as prayers for peace in St Nicholas' church in Leipzig in September 1989 developed into the immensely powerful Monday demonstrations, calling for more freedom, reforms and free elections in the German Democratic Republic.

That autumn history is written on the streets of Leipzig. It is the story of party officials prepared to resort to violence and of people who overcome their fears. It is the story of nameless individuals whose courage changed the world and marked the beginning of the end of the East German state - and of the entire Eastern Block. It is the story of the "Miracle of Leipzig".

2009x56 Angels and Demons Decoded

  • 2009-05-09T23:00:00Z45m

The Da Vinci Code was a smash hit novel and blockbuster movie, now experts investigate the fascinating truths, mysteries and secrets behind Dan Brown's preceding book, Angels and Demons.


2009x61 Superhuman

2009x61 Superhuman

  • 2009-04-16T23:00:00Z45m

If you think that people with superhuman abilities are only found in comic books or in Hollywood movies--think again. In Superhuman, our superhuman host will travel around the world to meet the real life "X-Men" and "Heroes"--the people with truly remarkable powers. These include The Real Spiderman, The Real Aqua Man, The Strongest Girl In The World, Million Volt Man, and The Girl with X-ray Eyes, The Man Who Can See in the Future, The Real Bat Boy and The Human Magnet.

They were to 'stay behind' if the Red Army overran Western Europe. Operating from secret hideouts behind enemy lines, they were to organise armed national resistance against the occupying Soviet forces. Recruited and trained by the CIA and MI-6 and coordinated by NATO, Europe's secret army was the most ambitious covert operation to defend democracy since the Second World War. But over time the top-secret stay-behind network set up by Britain and the United States in almost 20 European countries became involved in just the opposite: fixing elections, political assassinations, coups against democratically elected governments, and in what can only be described as acts of terrorism, which cost the lives of hundreds of Europeans. The story of Europe's stay-behind network with names like GLADIO in Italy or SDRA8 in Belgium is one of the most powerfully hidden secrets of recent American and European history. NATO'S SECRET ARMIES examines three major terror attacks: The Brabant massacres in Belgium, The Oktoberfest bombing in Germany and the Piazza Fontana killings in Italy. Through the testimony of former Gladio terrorists, ex-CIA agents, diplomats, prosecutors and police investigators the film pieces together the disturbing trail of influence behind each of the attacks and considers whether hundreds may have died at the hands of state sponsored terrorism. More chillingly, it asks whether the strategy of tension might still be in use today.

Since the 15th century, the Bermuda Triangle has mysteriously vanished an untold number of ships, planes and lives with three more known incidents in 2004. Using today's scientific knowledge and investigative techniques, we study the riddle of the Bermuda Triangle. Through computer graphics, highly stylized recreations, and underwater cameras, we will dramatically visualize the accidents as well as investigate the possible causes and explanations. On-camera interviews with both skeptics and believers will help lay out the facts and opinions of the cases. Can the latest science available today finally lay to rest the mysteries of the Triangle?

Travel back to the blistering sands of the Holy Land, into the onion-domed chapels of Eastern Orthodox churches and onto the pages of the Koran. Unearth the trail of chapters that were left out of the ultimate version of the Scriptures.

Included in the Koran is "The Life of Adam and Eve," a detailed account of the creation story written before Jesus was born. The incestuous account of "The Book of Jubilees" was included in the Orthodox Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls. "The Book of Enoch," an ancient bestseller, relates the story of the man said in Genesis to have walked with God and been assumed directly into heaven.
This fascinating collection offers a fresh perspective on the figures at the foundation of faith.

This incisive documentary analyzes the extreme, yet persistent, theories that cloud the memory of our national tragedy.

2009x267 The Crumbling of America

  • 2009-06-21T23:00:00Z45m

America's infrastructure is collapsing. Tens of thousands of bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. A third of the nation's highways are in poor or mediocre shape. Massively leaking water and sewage systems are creating health hazards and contaminating rivers and streams. Weakened and under-maintained levees and dams tower over communities and schools. And the power grid is increasingly maxed out, disrupting millions of lives and putting entire cities in the dark. The Crumbling of America explores these problems using expert interviews, on location shooting and computer generated animation to illustrate the kinds of infrastructure disasters that could be just around the bend.


2009x274 The Art of War

2009x274 The Art of War

  • 2009-05-08T23:00:00Z45m

Documentary on the main principles of Sun Tsu "Art of War" illustrated with examples from the second world war, the Vietnam war and the American civil war.

The oldest known brothel in the world is discovered in Pompeii. A startling system is revealed that includes widespread prostitution and sexual slavery. Experts piece together the elaborate system and show how the sex trade helped reinforce class and power in Ancient Rome.


2009x276 The Real Wolfman

2009x276 The Real Wolfman

  • 2009-10-28T00:00:00Z45m

In the mid 1700s, a mysterious beast viciously attacked and killed 102 villagers in the French village of Gevaudan. The victims, mostly women and children, were mauled and decapitated, their naked bodies all bearing the bite marks of a non-human creature. The killings mark the largest number of alleged werewolf attacks in history and are the basis of the Hollywood Wolfman legend. Venture deep into the mythology and folklore of werewolves with renowned cryptozoologist Ken Gerhardt and veteran criminal profiler George Deuchar as they investigate this reviled creature that brutally kills when the moon is full. In their investigation, they uncover intriguing paranormal transformations, diseases that make men look and act like animals, strange but true stories of children raised by wolves and, eventually, the dark side of human nature in the horrific truth behind the Gevaudan werewolf attacks

The ordeals faced by the Sonderkommando, young Jewish men forced to aid the Nazis in extermination camps during WWII, are explored through the recollections of one of them, Henryk Mandelbaum (1922-2008), a Pole who was imprisoned in Birkenau in 1944.

For centuries, the sex lives of the Ancient Egyptians have been hidden away from history. Even today, some sexual images from Ancient Egypt are still censored by the authorities and concealed deep in the vaults of museum collections.
In this candid and evocative program, take a fascinating journey back in time to discover the true story behind sex in Ancient Egypt. Join the experts as they reveal the meaning of sexually explicit graffiti, thousands of years old, found on the walls of an ancient limestone tomb near the Valley of the Kings.
Next, witness the dramatic and high-tech computer re-creation of what is possibly the world's oldest form of erotica -- the Turin Erotic Papyrus. Long shrouded in mystery, explore the many questions surrounding this controversial artifact: Does it portray the sex lives of the Gods and provide a coded message to the afterlife? Is it part of an elaborate and mystical ritual of conception? Or is it simply a relic of sexually explicit material from the ancient world?
Featuring breathtaking imagery and contributions from leading experts, HISTORY presents a thrilling look at what really went on between the sheets in Ancient Egypt.


2009x279 More Extreme Marksmen

2009x279 More Extreme Marksmen

  • 2009-01-25T00:00:00Z45m

They are the most extreme marksmen in the world. They fire rifles, draw pistols, and shoot arrows. Now, MORE EXTREME MARKSMEN reveals that they can also use their skills to throw knives, crack whips, and even drive tanks.

In this high-powered program, HISTORY™ puts the skills of some of the world's most renowned professional shooters to the test. Whether it's getting them up on a horse, or giving them shoulder-mounted weapons, or placing them in a complex obstacle course, watch as these sharpshooters are pushed to the limit of their abilities. As the participants prepare for each challenge, explore the history behind the test and then return to the range to find out if they've succeeded or failed at the task at hand.

From an archery expert who can hit a target while holding the bow with his feet to shooters who attempt to hit a fly off a whiskey bottle to some of the most dangerous axe and knife throwing stunts ever seen, this feature-length special is a mesmerizing and jaw-dropping exhibition of extreme marksmanship.

Sex BC is a documentary, dramatized in part, in which the sexual behaviors of prehistoric peoples is brought out of the closet, so to speak. From the Ice age to the early Greek civilizations this program shows how sex has not always been the taboo subject it is today, indeed in Ancient Egyptian times sex was a religious requirement. Fertility was all. This documentary is not at all "smutty" with the subject material being handled in an intelligent and educational fashion.

2009x282 Keep the Cold War Cold

  • 2009-07-03T23:00:00Z45m

From 1947 to 1990, the Military Liaison Missions of France, UK and the US to the Soviet High Command in Germany, were positioned behind the Iron Curtain, in order to be able to closely observe Warsaw Pact Forces stationed in East Germany. How was it possible for adversaries to be so close for so long? How did each side feel about it? Rich in eyewitness accounts illustrated and supported by extraordinary documents shot films, photos and audio and video recordings never seen in public before that is the story this film aims to shed light on.


2009x283 Predator X

2009x283 Predator X

  • 2009-03-29T00:00:00Z45m

Deep in the Polar Arctic, the discovery has been made of a completely new species - a giant sea monster with the head of a T-Rex, a fifty-foot-long body the shape of a giant whale and huge flippers - making it the largest and fastest prehistoric sea creature ever to terrorize the oceans. Up until now the very existence of this creature during the Jurassic period has been completely unknown to science


2009x284 Moonshot

2009x284 Moonshot

  • 2009-07-19T23:00:00Z45m

The story leading up to the July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 moon landing launch.
