OH god, I'll miss this so much :'(

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Ted meets his mom

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Really good show!!! Actualy it's more like legen WAIT FOR IT dary. Legen-dary.

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Shout by Patrick Samson
BlockedParent2013-03-05T14:01:40Z— updated 2016-07-14T18:29:04Z

They changed the "Totally Ninja!" rating by "Legendary!"

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HIMYM's final year. =(

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Great show. Story is definetly stretched thin. Ending was not it

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Thank you X for recommending such a beautiful series to me, it made me believe too much in love

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From Season 1 to Season 8 it's 10/10 for me .

Season 9 is 5/10. Just Headache.

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When I get sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead

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Enjoyed the series a lot and would recommend it to anyone open to watch a comedy series

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Accidentally everyone is gay and dating each other

Really edgy tho. Barney is a pedx for no reason

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That finale though:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I still don't know where the Pineapple came from...

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I've got very mixed feelings about this and it's all to do with the last couple of episodes. I'm currently rating this a seven out of ten but may knock it down to a six based on that ending. The ending was just so infuriating. This in the end didn't turn out to be about the mother at all - it's about how Ted was so in love with Robin. Honestly this show treated Ted and Robin like they were some sort of Ross and Rachel shit when they shouldn't have been. They dated earlier in the show that was fine move on.

What infuriates me about this as well is that we find out in about season 7 that Robin can't have children so we have the mother on screen just long enough to provide two children for Ted before dying just so he can go running back to Robin.

I must admit this show does have its stellar moments and has really lovable characters but I do think the ending fell victim to bad writing and that's saddening.

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Can watch 1000 times again.

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Shout by dgw

Average season rating: 6.888…

When it's good, it's truly great. But the questionable decisions add up over the years, which drags down the overall experience.

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file this under Great show Utter crap ending

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loved it. the ending could've been better though.

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Cant say the best sitcom ever but if you are bored or hopeless it is worth binge watching. Will re binge watch it definetely.

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3 rd time watching right now.

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I liked this show originally but it stayed around way too long but the worst thing was the series finale was so lame and awful that it ruined the enitre series for me. Plus Ted is an adult why would his voice change to a different person? that's dumb.

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Shout by digishield

I started looking at HIMYM a long time ago when he was up to date. I was much younger then and I looked at the series quite differently than I do now, when I finally decided to finish in 2020. That's when I stopped somewhere in the eighth series, because it occurred to me how it was slowly becoming a sitcom where you don't laugh at all. And I must say that even those laughs from the heart were very few even now.

I admire the authors for having balls to come up with such an ending. Because, even if one thinks how everything can turn out well, in life not everything turns out well. I cried? Yes, I cried, because when you look at something like that, you end up staying in the end, even if there weren't many of those laughs.

HIMYM has his moments that are memorable. He has, but also his moments, which could be skipped. But in the end, not only thanks to the bold end, but the whole concept of finding the right person, it will forever remain as one of the series that are ... legendary.

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I started HIMYM with a lot of prejudice. But I'm just too late to watch HIMYM. I constantly moving forward to start day by day. First few episodes are a little boring but than it's start. You see things that you can make for your real life. Actual sections from your life. Characters are quiet in place. Very well chosen actors and actress. Good acting. A script touching your heart. Nice jokes. OK sometimes it's dirty but. Simply everything is great for sit-com TV-Series. It did not last very long so people not bored. I put HIMYM to my watchlist : 100 TV-Series you should watched before dying. A beautiful written script with a simple shot. Enjoy!

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I love the show but the amount of countless "Friends" references is just unacceptable

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I wound up shame-eating the whole pizza...I woke up all greasy and sweaty..My sheets looked like what they wrap deli sandwiches in. Maybe I should join a gym..

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Shout by Cory Copeland
BlockedParent2020-04-07T20:23:37Z— updated 2023-07-17T05:31:10Z

For a show that is more or less Friends 2.0 (started in 2005 after Friends ended in 2004 and about a group of twenty something year old friends that hangout in a city, go to a local coffee shop/bar, have the attractive and single female of the group Rachel/Robin, and the hopeless romantic that's super quirky Ross/Ted, and heavily focuses on the single shenanigans of the other guy in the group Joey/Barney), this show gets it right and lives up to the hype. Well at least for the first seven seasons. Season 8 starts to see repetitive/frustrating plot points, and Season 9 seems largely thrown together loosely about shenanigans and doesn't really focus on what the audience wants to see. Where Friends nails the ending, How I Met Your Mother flutters. Regardless, still one hell of a show and should be one that everyone checks out.

Average Season Review: 8.33/10

Recommendation - Must See (for Sitcom Fans)

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I love it I love it

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I adore each and every episode, hard to mark in words how big of an impact HIMYM have been on me.
Since years have passed, I’m re-watching this show for 4th time(?), and it have not lost it’s ​beauty even once. There are still moments that cracks me up for good laugh. Meaning that characters stick up perfectly with each and every-one making perfect chemestry between them and us – viewers.
You follow and live their lives, get to the edge of the seat to bindge one more episode before doing your own thing.

Ah man, I just can’t explain on how well done it is. The balance between seriouse and being funny is just great in every aspect.

I’m just sad about one thing, that I won’t be able to see it ever again for the first time.

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HIMYM is legen -wait for it- dary

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Very funny if you haven't watched this yet do so. Barney is hilarious and sorry for being shallow but Robin is hot. Great story keeps you laughing and waiting for the next hint who is the mother.

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Watched last 3 seasons live, rest in syndication.

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This series has been a friend to me. He has accompanied me for many years, I have laughed, cried and smiled with her. I feel an unconditional love with all his characters (especially with Marshall) and with the story. It is true that it ended in a slightly elaborate way but for me it will continue being the best series that has been made in the history of television.

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How to ruin your 10 season long show in the final episode 101

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Shout by Deleted

How can you not love Barney?

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Shout by Deleted

This is truly the best show I ever seen

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This TV Show is amazing. The better.

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The best series ever, legen...wait for it..dary

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Worst. Finale. Ever.

I'll walk myself out.

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It's my favorite show, decided to re-watch first 5-6 seasons again >3

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The premiss of this show is what originally hooked me, looking back the quality may have never been there, although there was the occasional episode of good quality. The show's emotional heft at times were it's saving grace.

As my interest in the premiss petered out, I felt an obligation to finish the series off.

I thought the 'Mother' character was a great addition towards the end of the series, she accompanied Ted perfectly and I found her inclusion satisfying.

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Shout by Deleted

this is the series of my life. I LOVE MARSHALL AND LILY SO MUCH

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How I Met Your Mother teaches us that if you want your best friend's wife badly enough and keep trying to get her, you will eventually end up with her.

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I think it was a great serie to watch. The serie is not to heavy, not too much drama and always nice to just watch an episode. I was pretty bummed when the serie ended, but it was nice to move on after such a long time of following it. I would recomment watching it!

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Shout by Deleted

Totally love this showwwwwww!!! Legen wait-for-it dary!

Although the worst 2 chapters in life, totally screwed everything

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It was good right up until the last season, once you get to that just stop. Pretend that is how it ended. you will be much happier

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Wow, I must really be missing something here, managed three episodes of the first season and decided it was poor. Struggled to connect with ANY of the characters and the canned laughter was beyond distraction.

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My favorite sitcom! Well this and 18 to Life. Both very quirky.

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One of the best sitcoms I've ever seen. Ok, the last seasons are a bit weak, but it's always sad to say goodbye to this group of friends after 9 years.

PS: there are TWO endings (for those who didn't know), and the second one is as it should be (IMHO).

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there are people who say they were happy with himym's finale and there are people who tell the truth

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2016-01-07T09:41:22Z— updated 2020-02-04T18:07:27Z

I really loved How I met your mother! Last parts to be honest were so nice and heart touching! And at the last part only I realised it was all about "Robin".......

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I really recommend this show to everyone. Even tough a lot of fans didn't like the end, for me it was awesome.

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I hate the ending... The ending made me hate this show...

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The ending was so bad that made me never want to watch any of the episodes again. One of the greatest disappointments of TV.

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perfect on the first 8 seasons and 22 episodes

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Shout by cable

I just finished watching the show, and I feel kind of empty, I was lucky enough to not get spoiled by the ending, but my spontaneous thoughts about it, is that I'm quite happy with how it all ended. On the other hand, I was really did like the ending of LOST for example.

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30 years later, when they are about 10 years older than "future-themselves" for real and it would be 2040 in HIMYM universe, they should totally make a sequel, a movie the least. "Future-kids" were about 15 in 2030, that would make them 25 in 2040, with makeup and computer graphics, and if themselves are in good shape, it shouldn't be a problem for the same kids actors to look younger as they should. The same goes for others.

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The ending was a disappointment for me.

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Seasons 8 & 9 were sappy, romance bullshit. Did they forget this was supposed to be a comedy? Why the fuck did I keep watching such garbage?

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The ending wasn't bad, it was just unexpected. I love this show from the first to the last season. I could watch all the seasons over a hundred times and I wouldn't get bored. I really do love it and recommend it to all. Stinson out.

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Why do all good things come to an end

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It's absolutely awesome.

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I hated the ending. They should've gone with the alternate ending from the DVD box where it just shows how they met, and not what happened after. It should've ended on that train station.

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Can't complain, what a great show!

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I love it

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Shout by Deleted

It's legen... wait for it... dary!

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A great comedy show on par with the best of its kind (aka Friends). It is fun and clever with interesting characters.
Maybe it lost its edge during the last season where it became almost surreal but the journey till then was nice and filled with clever and relatable jokes and catchphrases without getting tiresome.
I would recommended to anyone who liked "Friends"!

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great comedy!

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This show should've ended 3 or 4 seasons ago.

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Watching up to season 8 has been a lot of fun, I have loved it all the way, time to get season 9 on DVD and watch it all in one go!!!

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love it!

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Shout by Deleted

Best show ever. It can never be replaced. I could watch it over and over again..

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Shout by Deleted

This show was great but I realised that the last season....didn't bring one laugh out of me. I kept watching just because it was the final season and in the hope it gets better like previous seasons.

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Best show ever

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Good for a laugh. It felt like it was more drama than comedy by the end though.

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Shout by Deleted

Love it

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Awesome and fun!!

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Shout by Daan van den Bergh
BlockedParent2014-04-23T06:25:46Z— updated 2022-05-20T05:16:17Z

I deleted the entire show after watching the finale. Terrible. The fact that they forcefully had to add soms drama to the ending by making the mother sick was so stupid. And then he's going after Robin again, like we haven't seen him doing that for FOUR seasons! So, annoying...

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I don't even know where to begin. This whole show, NINE FULL SEASONS, were made irrelevant by the last, what, 5 minutes? It's an insult to us as viewers, and to the sanctity of this relationship that we awaited and rooted for and wanted to remain untainted. How I Met Your Mother ends for me under the yellow umbrella and I don't want to think about anything after that, because that would make the whole journey pointless.

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Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad finale.

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Shout by Deleted

Best tv show ever, have no words to describe what represents to me!

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Shout by Caitlyn Kroll
BlockedParent2014-04-09T21:23:27Z— updated 2022-05-20T05:15:50Z

worst finale ever! Ted and Robin make no sense

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the ending is so horrible I can't even do a rerun for this show

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i love the series, it's one of my favorit comedy series, but why the writers gave us this horrible ending, that's really one of the worst series finale ever, I'm am very disapointed

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The show was amazing, but the finale was predictable and lacked any humor whatsoever. Puts a bit of a damper on what was otherwise one of my favorite sit coms.

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The worst finale ever!!!!!! Just terrible... I feel like I just wasted time when I was watching it!!!

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In seasons 7 to 9 there were some good episodes, but most of the time it was like "gosh, find the mother already!". IMO the show was artificially prolonged and should ended much earlier to be truly Legendary. It's like a sportsman, who could end his career at the top, but ultimately he decide to win yet another Olympics. Year later, he's not in top 10 and even he tries really hard, he eventually didn't qualify for the next Olypics. He may win here and there, but that's it. If he ended at the top, he would be a god forever. Now he's like nobody cares. And that's HIMYM (and sort of story of quite a few sportsmen).

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome and Legen wait for it dary

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Not totally ninja, it's Legendary!

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I accept with people telling this show is repetetive. Ok, it's not unwatchable. It's fun and entertaining as always. But not so legen-waitforit-dary like "Friends".

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God.. I realized that I watch this show just because I watched earlier seasons.. It's the same jokes again and again... please put this show out of it's misery

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It used to be awesome.

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The best!!!Barney is awesomee

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this is one hellb of a show

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One of my favourite series.

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good show

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