One of my least favourite episodes. The pro-baby crap is annoying, and the fact that the only reason to have kids for them is that they are “cute” is horrible. The only saving grace is the couple’s decision to postpone the inevitable. Also, the butchering of Robin’s character is horrific, but we know why they were doing this. Totally humorless filler episode.

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I don't have anything to say about this episode other than it was decent.

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Solid episode. The meat of the story with Marshall and Lily trying to decide whether to have a baby was well done in the way that it captured the real life thoughts of couple trying to decide whether to have kids with the goofy sitcom lunacy of HIMYM, (though Drunk Baby Lily got a little out there at various points). Ted and Robin's debate was entertaining because it played on what we know about the characters' perspectives on kids (the montage of Ted's dad behavior and Robin's baby fear was amusing), though it got a little testy there. Barney's "Not-A-Father's Day" was cheap comic relief, but had its moments, and the Marshall doppelgangers in the "Cheerleader Effect" gags saved a pretty weak joke. All-in-all, this didn't hit it out of the park, but had some good laughs and character moments.

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