Olivia Pope and Annalise make a great team. The first part of this crossover episode in Scandal paved the way really well for an intense episode like this. In my opinion, this was really good, especially Annalise's speech in the Supreme Court.

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Amazing!! Just like part one, these two are powerful together.
Annalise was on fire!! I'm glad Olivia helped her when she went down for a minute.
Michaela WHY?? She is going to bring it more drama. Poor Asher.
Wes is dead, but he has so much tell yet.
I totally forgot about Simon. OMG!!! He's awake!! That's more trouble!!
Again! This crossover was need it and it was great.

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What was the point of turning Michaela into a cheater? And with a guy from Scandal we’ll never see again?

The crossover made sense but there were way too much fan service... and not done the right way. Still mostly watch it for the Keating 4 but Annalise, just like Olivia, became so predictable that even the twists and turns of the episode weren’t surprising.

On the plus side, the Supreme Court scenes were nicely done. Though I’m seriously questioning the message of the episode - and the show in general. Well. I shouldn’t have such big expectations. It’s entertainment after all.

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So for the first half of the episode I was really confused because nothing was making sense and then I realised omg since this is a crossover there must be an episode of Scandal that goes with this one so I watched it after having watched the first 24 minutes of this one and still so much from this episode didn't make sense. The interactions between the characters from both shows, developing these intese relationships so quickly, Michaela and that other guy wtf; it just doesn't make any sense. God I wish I could just ignore the crossover.
Anyway I loved Annalise's speech and I don't know.. that's it.

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Olivia: Tell me you slept better than i did last night.
Annalise: Sleep is overrated.
Just one of the many cool dialogues between them xD
NOW, THAT'S HOW YOU DO A BRILLIANT CROSSOVER! I mean... It's been a while since i've seen 2 episodes so good like this. I loved it, seriously. Shonda Rhimes, i would hug you so tight if i could meet you right now!

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How does Olivia Pope have time for this? Isn’t she like fighting isis and preventing the white house from being blown up and being abducted by a terrorist cell AND having a public affair with the president??? I guess this episode would make more sense watching the Scandal episode but then I would need to watch ALL scandal’s episodes too so I think I’ll pass.
I just don’t understand how the keating team have the nerve to sit in the supreme court in front of all the judges after everything they’ve done, like how can you argue this case with a straight face knowing everything you (all) have done: Lila, Sam, Rebecca, the hapstall siblings, the ADA, Wes, Simon, Isaac and so much more... they are really being brave, I would just retire or change professions and call it a day.
Why would Annalise pick up her phone in the middle of her case? Like everyone she needed was right there, but okay whatever.
And nobody cares about Olivia’s blazer!
I don’t feel like Annalise’s speech was as moving as in other cases but I guess she had to restrict herself a little.

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Why are they forcing so much Michaela and Marcus scenes down our throats? Nobody asked for it.

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Annalise's speech in court was really moving. I loved every part of this crossover, it's interesting for the story and it didn't feel too predictable. Can't wait for next episode because the ending was very intriguing.

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Shout by Haibara

What the fuck, Michaela. I'm so annoyed that she cheated on Asher with a guy from Scandal we literally just met and who won't even be relevant anymore in the next episode. It completely came out of nowhere. She and Asher have been through so much and she just cheats with some random guy from another show. Jesus Christ. I'm honestly angry at this.

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Shout by Damaris

very intriguing can't wait for the next episode it was super intense !!!

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Can’t wait for this episode to air!

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