wow..unbelievable !!
I can't wait for the next episode .. !

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I could not be left more breathless and shocked as I did when this episode ended. This was intens!

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and there it went another one, this show can't stop entertain me.

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Wow! This episode was so good. I can't find the right words to describe this!

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  • Poor Asher. His breakdown broke my heart in many tiny pieces. I'm still angry at this storyline.
  • I highly doubt Bonnie just died. This show is so full of red herrings that it has to be someone else who died there.
  • And Jesus Christ, Laurel - What the hell have you been doing for the last two seasons? Everything she does makes me angry and annoyed. Of course things are completely messed up, but it's like she manages to always mess them up some more. She used to be one of my favorites on this show...
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OMG!!! The truth is out!!!
I hope they don't kill Bonnie too.
It was so strange to see Wes again.
I knew mommy was a bad person.
Man... Asher was super angry. His not stupid, he's the funny guy but don't underestimate him.
Simon was driving me crazy!! At least they are save... For now.

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Why would they ruin Michasher for someone from another show that we are never ever gonna see again, like if they wanted to make Michaela a cheater at least make it with someone from THIS show.
I actually feel bad for Simon and Tegan! Yes Tegan works for a corrupt man but she minds her business, and the keating team have no place to judge someone else’s morals.
And it bothered me that in the new flashback, the one with the sandwiches, with Laurel and Wes, Laurel had the same hairstyle as she does in the present, 8 months ago her hair was longer and more caramel, that could’ve been easily fixed with a few hair extensions!

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So you really do not get away with murder, do you?

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Why did this have to turn into a show with Laurel as the main character? She’s so annoying

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