I was surprised to realise this is a series finale, as I wasn't expecting the show to end right after its worst season. I couldn't stand the Pilgrim almost since he appeared and, for me, he was the worst part of this season (though not the only one).
But I really liked that they went all out for this finale and gave us some genuinely above average fighting sequences, and it's always nice when all the characters put aside their differences and join forces to fight a common evil. Sure, it's a cliché, but it's still an enjoyable one.

As much as I lost interest in Into the Badlands during this lukewarm season, I'd still like to see more of it. But I didn't understand that very last scene (I haven't read the comics and, as such, I don't know if it's related to that) and it was, for me, an absolutely shitty way to end the show (unless they didn't know the series would be over by the time they shoot the season finale). Good episode, nonetheless.

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It was ok for a season finale, although a bit too predictable. I enjoyed the ride through the whole season. Not excellent but the environment, costumes, colours and the fights were exciting. Even if I must say the latter didn’t make much sense. Often our heroes are overpowered, other times they fail after few hits. Still all together it is good fun!

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I didn't really enjoy this as a series finale, but it was a decent episode. It was ended in a way that leaves more questions and interest so there will be something to continue on if the show gets picked up by another network, which I hope but doubt will happen. With that being said, I really do hope it gets picked up and gets a bigger budget and maybe longer episodes.

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Would this not have been the last episode it would have been great. But closing the show in this way left me "meh". I understand it was done to be able to get on with the show but I heavily doubt it will ever be picked up. I would have preferred a real ending.

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The problem with a show that consists merely of stylish fight scenes is that after a while all those stylish fight scenes start to fall flat. So in this final episodes a bunch of people were in stylish fights and a bunch of people died but I couldn't care less about any outcome of the story. I used to be invested in zhose characters but suddenly in the final episode I wasn't any more.

(Plus the very final scene is total BS)

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Bad season overall. Bad episode, as well.
(btw, the gun shouldn't have fired at the end of the scene, but hey, it's fiction, and there were far more ridiculous plot holes in this series anyways, so whatever works. lol)

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This was a mediocre season and I was hoping for this to end... But to see that ending with the revolver I was sad that we're not gonna get a season with Gun-Fu or Equilibrium kind of action..

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After all this season was not the best this last episode was ok but why begin something new when there is no season 4.
PS. A little bit weird Sunny is alive in another realm like the master and his body is recovering mmmkey XD

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The series look cute, and much of fun inside. I like it much

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Dang I can’t believe they left it so open ended when they knew it was the last season.

They destroyed MK’s character. Was hoping there would be some type of redemption for him at the end. He had a little bit of redemption when he didn’t kill Tilda but then ended up stabbing her anyway. Lol

I’ve never seen a show turn a good character so bad before. This show was so different at the end than it was at that beginning. Yet still so good. Damn I will miss it!! Wish we could of gotten to see the full story.

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