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IS: Infinite Stratos 2011


Shout by The Huggle Bunny

Mindless fun harem antics
Houki best girl.

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Infinite Stratos is an alright mecha-SOL-harem that seems to waste a lot of the potential from its source material (the light novels). The best part of the show by far is the harem itself. All the girls are great (including Tatenashi and Kanzashi from season 2) and is definitely one of the better all-around collection of female characters out there which is why I'm sure this is so popular in Japan. They've each got a different side to them, interact/fight/revel in misery with each other well and are all cute as hell. The action sets are pretty solid but the story is almost nonexistent. They've shat on the source material as far as the story goes. And the MC Ichika... There has probably never been a dumber and more worthless male MC in the history of harems. If you basically ignore him, the experience gets much better.

I'd give the first season a 6/10 but the second season was just not good. It is a 4-5/10 at best. It's definitely not the best show out there but if you're out of harems to watch (as I was), it's not bad as the girls are great. Just don't expect too much.

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