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It's History

Season 6 2015

  • 2015-09-14T04:00:00Z on YouTube
  • 10m
  • 1h 30m (9 episodes)
  • United States
  • Documentary
IT’S HISTORY is a ride through history - Join us discovering the world’s most important eras in IN TIME, the GREATEST MINDS and the most important INVENTIONS. We’re going to explore each epoch in depth showing you the relations that made it important for mankind.

9 episodes

Season Premiere


6x01 Greek Orgies, Roman Brothels and the Kama Sutra

Season Premiere

6x01 Greek Orgies, Roman Brothels and the Kama Sutra

  • 2015-09-14T04:00:00Z10m

Sex already played a vital role in the societies of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Who could have intercourse with whom was laid out carefully. But even back then the followers of Dionysus and the women in the brothels of Pompeii knew how to shift these borders. And then there was the Kama Sutra which was not just about Sex as many think today but about a path to happiness which involved sexual pleasure.

The Greek poetess Sappho from the Isle of Lesbos is the most important female lyricist of the classical age. She worshipped women and often addressed her work to beautiful ladies. Although her definite sexuality will remain a mystery, it is almost as widely discussed as her work itself. The constant myth that Sappho was gay remains which is why the term "lesbian" dates back to Sappho's erotic poetry. Learn all about the great Sappho and what the term "doing it like the ladies of Lesbos" actually means, on IT'S HISTORY.

Erotic sex toys like dildos are no modern day invention. Thousands of years ago, stone phalli already served their purposes contributing to lust and passion. Throughout history more inventions like the vibrator have been developed to improve catering to our desire. Although love toys have been around for more than 20.000 years, society and religions have been struggling with their acceptance. Almost as long as they have existed.

Sex became a sin in the Middle Ages. Following the promiscuous Ancient Rome and Greece, the Western World was indoctrinated with Medieval concepts of guilt and immorality. Adultery and sex for pleasure became unthinkable. Churches implemented strict rules, breaking them could result in public shaming. The severity of punishments would only increase after the Reformation.

The Trojan War is one of the most epic and passionate legends set in Greek Mythology. Legend has it, that Prince Paris fell in love with the beautiful Helena, wife of King Menelaos of Sparta. He took her to Troy, which sent all of the rest of Greece, including the famous warrior Achilles after the city. We'll explain which incidents on the battles are actually proven and how sex, powerplay and love is interpreted to have led to blood shed more than once during Antiquity. Join Indy for our new episode of BATTLEFIELDS!

The development of contraceptives has come a long way. It all started with questionable ointments and rituals to avoid pregnancy. The effectiveness of new inventions have since improved greatly. Especially the invention of rubber and latex for condoms or contraceptive ideas like the diaphragm or the pill. Learn about the development of contraceptives and their societal standing this episode on IT'S HISTORY.

With Sexual Enlightenment came radical changes to the perception of sex in society. This episode on sex in modernity covers discussions held in salon culture, debating and defining ideas of what sexual liberty meant. Public figures like Anne Lister openly addressed homosexual relations and the first sex researchers took up on the topic.

The psychologist Sigmund Freud spent much of his life trying to understand how the human psyche functions. Famously sorting the human consciousness into the it, the ego and the superego. He was particularly interested in the instinct for sex and satisfaction of lust, a phenomenon he called the libido. Many of his theories were highly disputable, such as his theory on infantile sexuality and the societal influence on sexuality. Learn all about the father of psychoanalysis on ITS HISTORY!

Cleopatra, the most famous queen of Egypt, reigned as last female pharao. She fell for the powerful Roman statesman Julius Caesar and her son Caesarion is said to have been their illegitimate son. After his assassination she would form an alliance with Marcus Antonius, also known as Mark Antony, who would play a critical role in the transformation of Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Following their marriage they would have to fight their enemy Octavian, who saw his power threatened by their combined strength. Learn all about the final showdown between their two armies and the following legacy that would form the Roman Empire on this episode of BATTLEFIELDS.
