Shout by Corey

At first, I was like... ok, we have three episodes left, cut it out with the procedurals and start tying things up. Until I realized it was drag queen brain... I was SO okay with that lol.

But now we need to get serious. No more crimes to solve. Let’s stick to the main story. And I’m thinking it will.

This season hasn’t been perfect, but I’m definitely invested into how everything will ultimately wrap up. I’m hoping Liv’s dad isn’t dead. Yes, his arc was a bit rushed and out of nowhere, but he was a fairly menacing villain, more than Blaine could ever hope to be... and his death would be incredibly anticlimactic.

But yeah... how’s it all gonna end? Will Liv become human again? Or will she choose zombie life in the face of a cure that we know is coming? Will her and Major finally be together? And will Enzo, the Trump-supporting truck food lady, and Blaine all meet horrible, ferocious ends? I sure the hell hope so.

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Shout by ds1

I always thought his hair looked weirdly fake.
Blaine was surprisingly calm in front of Don E. after finding out the truth.
Even if there was some twitching in his face. Poor Darcy, though.

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