not me tearing up when joseph mentioned the crusaders

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Very good image choice Trakt. Main reason I'm commenting here at all

Very satisfying finale & I went from disliking Part 2 and thinking Part 3 was a mixed bag to absolutely having a blast with Part 4, highly recommend

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This season was the most bizarre one so far. Stand power were absolutelly wacky and pointless, yet the author ended up utilizing them in the second half in a very good way (except for a few forgotten characters, such as the hair girl, the invisible baby and the cook). Most of the season felt like filler episodes, and yet everything built to the final 6 or 7 episodes, which were quite gripping. The finale was very satisfactory! I was to rate it a 7 and the weakest JoJo season so far, yet those final episodes left such a great mark that when I look back at those "fillery" episodes, I think of them fondly. Very nice indeed!

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"What a beautiful duwang."

Amazing ending to an amazing season/Part of JoJo. "Part 4 - Diamond Is Unbreakable" has probably been my favorite main arc so far in the JoJo-verse due to many different factors. I loved how they varied up the Stand encounters a lot more this time around vs Stardust and Diamond had a much more vibrant and interesting story/setting. Josuke was also a fantastic new MC that harkened more back to the Joseph Joestar that I loved from Part 2. But, most importantly, Kira was just an amazing and well-fleshed out villain. Better than Dio, I daresay...

Please bring us Part 5 ASAP!!

I am wood.

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