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Justice League: Season 1

1x13 Fury (2)

While the ending to this is good, the execution kinda sabotages the amazon queen's actions in the Paradise Lost arc.

Why would she bury some random sea captain who saved a single girl yet banish the heroes who saved the entire world? It really undermines what was already a flaws ideology (which hawkgirl even points out - stating the Aresia is only taking their doctrine to its logical conclusion).

Having a man save her is a good way to undermine her terrible logic, but at the same time makes the queen seem like an uncaring asshole rather than holding up a terrible yet somehow all-powerful legal requirement.

I'm sure the reason is just because this was written way after Paradise Lost and thus the writers just forgot about or didn't consider it - but it still bothers me.

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Who would have thought, the Queen caused more problems with her narrow mindedness...

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