Was it just me, or did James Gregory seem completely wasted in all of his scenes?

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"They Have Been, They Are, They Will Be" is an interesting episode. It deals with extra-terrestrials and looked to me like inspiration for the "X-Files". Kolchak manages to put all of the pieces together to solve yet another mystery while Chicago's finest provide the cover-up or the conspiracy, whichever way you choose to define it. I got a kick out of the UFO and found the alien "break-in" at the electronics factory to be kind of fun. I wasn't as crazy about not seeing an alien, because I'm a fan of cheesy alien/monster FX.

Also, I thought the concept of an alien who's ship breakdowns and stops by Earth to steal some electronic parts and eat (a little bone marrow) to be very cool. The concept reminds me a little of the original "Predator" movie, except that the Pred stops by Earth just to do a little hunting.

Kolchak is once again manipulative, but he seems crankier than in past episodes.

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