Shout by M00ps

Advocatus Maximus - Ady Barkan
main story: Abortion Rights

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  • Gaza (that's some sloppy one-sided journalism here. First, that's "allegedly". Especially when sources are shady. Second, context must given that even a refugee camp or an ambulance can be legitimate targets in an armed conflict. Not good targets. No targets I'd have ever chosen if I were a general. And I'm not saying this in cold-blood. I feel sorry for the innocent victims and I doubt that Israel's action are a contribution to the region's (or its own) future safety. But the way John says it, it sounds like these are obvious monstrous war crimes. Maybe they are, but it's hard to tell w/o further investigation.)
  • Crypto's wunderkind Bankman-Fried is going to jail. For a long time.
  • Ron de Santis wears magic cowboy shoes to compensate for ...
  • Main segment: 2023 elections :point_right: Podcast recommendation:
  • And now this: It was Halloween and local TV Hosts did what they always do
  • New Zealand: (Kākāpō - the bird that shagged me :smile:). Vote for Pīpīwharauroa.
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Vote for the Pūteketeke @ :joy:

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hehe did any of you vote?

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