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Legion: Season 1

1x06 Chapter 6

Probably one of the best TV show episodes in the history of television

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Okay... This episode was really silly. Kind of disappointing honestly.

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Shout by Thomas
BlockedParent2017-03-19T11:25:31Z— updated 2017-03-23T09:09:10Z

All the other comments are currently negative, so thought I'd better add that I loved this episode. So many brilliant little character moments. And this show has more style than a chipmunk with a disco ball for a head.

"What do you dream about?"

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Either this is total genius, or I am completely wasting my time. Looks more and more like the second choice.

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This episode can basically be skipped as it doesn't add anything new to the plot nor anything important happens throughout the entire episode. It's more or less as boring as the pilot episode, but less tolerable as we already watched it all before...

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Lenny, the rude rude girl, is still my favorite character.

Also I don't understand the comments of all the people saying they don't understand what is going on in the show. Probably not a show for you and you should consider to stop watching it.

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So the plot is never going to start?

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when will something actually happen in this mind trip? waiting for the punch line...

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Ophiocordyceps unilateralis – I didn’t want to add more, but Trakt insisted on a minimum of five words.

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I understand that this episode tries to portray the crews being lost in dreams/illusions, but a whole episode for such event seems rather forcing it. There are a number of subplots that seem to bear little significance too (what's with Walter chasing down Kerry, and Melanie's depression on his husband), making this feels a lot more like a filler episode. The edits are stylish though, with Lenny (Aubrey Plaza) dancing to that music, if we disregard it (and a couple of other scenes) coming up from out of nowhere.

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I wish this was like watching someone folding the laundry. I find that actually relaxing. Instead I feel like watching paint getting dry.

What a waste of my life. I keep watching this show in the delusion something meaningful will happen, and it gets duller and duller. A whole episode of incoherent nothingness. And if there is an hidden message… sorry, I get too bored to bother looking for it!

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Yikes. For once something remotely negative for me to critique in an otherwise so far fantastic trip: Lenny ('s actress) can neither dance nor does she know how to 'walk' properly. That little dancey scene of hers hurt my soul lmao. But heyyy maybe that was its entire purpose.
No, but seriously. Wish they'd given the actress more time to actually loosen her hips some and get into the motions. So stiff. Brr.

Hope everything happening this episode means they're slowly breaking out of the spell, rather than it just being another layer of fuckedupness, aka 'Lenny' or whatever it is, playing with them.

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Legion is a very powerful mutant to be able to do this sort of projection. I get it.

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WTF just happened? I'm lost

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