I'm already hyped for the Oliver/Farouk villain duo next season plus David and his slpit personalities now that the Shadow King is gone.

Also fyi: There is a mid credits scene at the end. Almost missed it. And it's very important.

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Shout by EvLo
BlockedParent2017-03-30T15:07:24Z— updated 2017-04-04T08:29:52Z

This seemed afterthought to me, real finale was ep. 7. This show was pretty OK until now.

But in finale they do the forced gay and racial equity thing. And in one scene even? Was that supposed to be middle finger? To whom?

Also - if you make TV show that main target groups are geeks, don't use unconnected graphic card as some random electronics, it is ok for the shows like Scorpion, it is ok to do the weird headband with resistors, not this level, it really breaks up the flow. And why this happened so obviously in the finale for the first time and nothing until now ? Eh?!

It was great until last ep. And the last-finale episode felt just so cheap :(

"Did you ever try to unmake the soup" was nice, thought :D

BTW if i was Lenny (still THE best character) i would have chosen same body :)

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I'm glad we finally got answers during the last two episodes, but at this point it's too late for me. I have no problem waiting multiple seasons to get answers and to use interpretations to make sense of things that happened, but this show lost me at the beginning already. It tries too hard to be "artsy" and I just find it exhausting to watch. I only kept watching because it's a short show. I'm definitely glad it's over and I'm not sure if I'll pick up season 2.

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Make sure you stick around for the post/mid-credits stinger. It changes the direction that season two might head into.

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Shout by Deleted

a bit underwhelming from the last episode which was a masterpiece but it was still great overall this show has been a blessing, there isn't anything like this on tv and i will definitely miss it until it comes back! here's hoping for professor x next season and some father-son bonding time, mutants ftw!

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Such a great series.
But the season finale was a bit lacking.

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This show was a roller coaster of experiences. It had some GREAT more and some REALLY REALLY BAD moments. Overall this finale made me hyped for season 2, and overall this show was easily a 7.6/10

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I thought - after the previous episode - what are they going to do next? It had season finale vibes and yet this managed to create a new layer to the existing story. It had suspense and action, a nice 'conclusion' and it got me all hyped up for the next season! Luckily I don't have to wait, I can only imagine the frustration of having to wait 6 months or more for the next episode.
I quickly embraced this show and all it's wacky twists and turns. Characters are cool, they make incredible creative choices with filming styles and dialogues. I love it.

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However, Dan does be as sweet as Pikachu .

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What the fuck was this finale?

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It would have been much better if the show ended with episode 7... but I'm not complaining i like it. For now i don't see much going on for season 2...not the same feel. let's just hope the writers will get very creative.

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Did anybody understand the logic of frame changes in this last episode?

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Hypnotic. Never orthodox. Looking forward to more.

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