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Legion: Season 2

2x05 Chapter 13

'Apparently on Legion' that's genius

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I love Aubrey Plaza, she is so great. Her eyes were so creepy, the way she had them so open. I was literally looking up her eye color when they talked about it on the show.

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That was outstanding episode which full of amazing plots and music

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Cerveja de Portugal! Portugal's beer is the best beer in the world!

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Playing Aubrey/Lenny looks like a ton of fun, esp now that we have another version that's not evil. What a cool role. If I were an actress, I would act the sh*t out of that part!

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That adaptation of Tom Petty's "Don't Come Around Here No More" at the end of the episode was just superb!

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What the F?! I thought he and Farouk were getting along, on the same page against a larger threat, but then he goes and does THAT?!!! What a gut punch! So eff'ed up.

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