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Little Rascals

Season 9 1930 - 1931

  • 1930-08-30T04:00:00Z on Syndication
  • 20m
  • 2h 40m (8 episodes)
  • United States
  • Spanish; Castilian
  • Comedy
The Little Rascals, also known as "Our Gang", was an American comedy series about a group of poor neighborhood children and the adventures they shared together. It began as a series of short films in the 1920s, and was brought to television in the 1950s.

8 episodes

Season Premiere


9x01 Pups Is Pups

Season Premiere

9x01 Pups Is Pups

  • 1930-08-30T04:00:00Z20m

Farina is a pageboy at a hotel in which a pet-show is going on. The gang decides to spruce up their wide variety of pets and enter them in the contest. Meanwhile, Wheezer has lost his puppies and the bell that he uses to call them, so he goes around ringing every bell in town.


9x02 Teacher's Pet

9x02 Teacher's Pet

  • 1930-10-11T05:00:00Z20m

It's the first day of school, and the gang is lamenting the loss of their beloved Miss McGillicuddy. Their new teacher is Miss Crabtree, and the gang has all kinds of pranks in store for the old battleaxe. Jackie even brags about it to a nice young woman who gives him a ride to school. As it turns out, this nice young woman is Miss Crabtree herself.


9x03 School's Out

9x03 School's Out

  • 1930-11-22T05:00:00Z20m

Summer is fast approaching, and Jackie is worried that Miss Crabtree will get married and leave her students the way Miss McGillicuddy had the previous year. When the teacher's brother comes around looking for her during her lunch break, the gang thinks he's a prospective husband and schemes to discourage him from pursuing her.


9x04 Helping Grandma

9x04 Helping Grandma

  • 1931-01-03T05:00:00Z20m

Grandma runs the general store in town with the help of the kids in the gang, but she's about to sell the store so she can retire. Mr. Pennypacker is trying to talk her into selling him the store, while two officials of a chain store are trying to call Grandma on the phone with a better offer.


9x05 Love Business

9x05 Love Business

  • 1931-02-14T05:00:00Z20m

Things are looking up for Jackie now that the teacher of his dreams, Miss Crabtree, is moving into the house as a boarder. Unfortunately, Chubby drops by to propose to her.


9x06 Little Daddy

9x06 Little Daddy

  • 1931-03-28T05:00:00Z20m

The authorities decide that Stymie belongs in an orphan asylum rather than being cared for by Farina. The older boy throws a going away party for his little brother, but Stymie conveniently forgets to invite the gang, insuring that he can eat all the treats himself. When the official from the orphan asylum arrives, the gang tries to sabotage his plans.


9x07 Bargain Day

9x07 Bargain Day

  • 1931-05-02T04:00:00Z20m

Wheezer and Stymie are out selling stuff door-to-door, including the gang's baseball equipment. They're invited into a large house by Shirley, who's home alone. The gang eventually arrives as well, as do the local police.


9x08 Fly My Kite

9x08 Fly My Kite

  • 1931-05-30T04:00:00Z20m

It's time for Grandma to move to the county home. It seems newly-married son-in-law Dan has squandered all her savings and the new wife doesn't want the old woman around. As she's packing her things, she gives Chubby some useless bonds to make a tail for his kite. A letter arrives, which Dan gets his hands on. After "accidentally" breaking Grandma's glasses, he reads the letter to her, stating that the bonds are useless. It turns out that the letter says the opposite, that the bonds are worth plenty of money, but by the time Grandma realizes this, Dan's already chasing down the kite, while the gang chases after him.
