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Lost 2004

First three seasons were terrific, last three seasons went downhill. The ending left a lot to be desired. I do wish I could forget the show completely and watch it again fresh however.

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It is truly amazing show.. Every season is good and it rap full story..

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Great show.. Story & intresting narration

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With it's concept and what I had heard people discuss about the show, I really hoped I would LOVE this show. Unfortunately, I didn't quite love it, but I did really enjoy it. It is VERY MUCH an ABC Drama show, and it is apparent in its form of storytelling via flashbacks and extended seasons for more character development. I think my opinion could have been much different if the storytelling tropes were different, but that is neither here nor there. My favorite season was the first, and it slowly tapered off from there to an average show. I have heard many people complain of the ending, but I actually quite enjoyed it. Anyways, I would recommend to at least give the show a chance because I know how some people have really grown to love the show and its characters.

Average Season Review: 8.17/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For ABC Drama Fans)

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Really liked this show however, it started to lose me around season 3 or 4. Some things fell about, consistency wise, but by that time I had already invested so much time into the series I just had to keep watching just to see how it all ended. I still think it is a must see for anyone who loves mystery, thrillers, or a good adventure.

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I hate Jack Shephard with every fiber of my being.

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Shout by MK

Lost in a nutshell: Whatever happened, happened.

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Good at the start. But the Ending (last season) is just to confusing.


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It's June 2024.
This is the first time I decided to re-watch this show for years.
I must say bingeing this show and knowing the outcome rather than being caught up trying to figure out what's going on, you can really concentrate on the incredible story lines and the intricate and detailed story jumps, the stories within the story.

I'm deep into season 5 and LOST just keeps getting better and the characters continue to evolve and become more interesting. Either find a friend who has this series on Bluray or find it streaming somewhere, but this is THE show to binge if ever you're going to.

Great show to get immersed in!

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I was watching The Following yesterday and I remembered Shannon. She was so cool, but she died like all the people that I liked on LOST.

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Awesome show. But the end really sucked.

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Last of season 3 and season 4 are fantastic beyond that is when "lost" lost it touch, disappointing ending!

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With such an amazing build-up of the suspense, the ending was a complete let-down. The sixth season failed to impress and I wish they had done a better job of it.

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what can I say? a show that leaves me more confused after it ended than when it started. lots of blank spaces do be explained. I pushed to see how it ended, but feel like it was a waste of time.

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what a complete waste of dam time

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It was very good until the 4th season.....
After that I just feel the writers got lost as the people in the island. A lot of mysteries without answers and a terrible last season divide my feelings about this TV show.

The first 3 seasons are just amazing, never saw this kind of production before but the conclusion was pitiful....

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Lost. A pretty accurate description of the writers after the first three seasons.. Season 1 was a great buildup, mysterious stuff happening all over. Season 2 gave some much needed answers, was awesome, and introduced some new mysteries. Season 3 tied up most loose ends, but introduced some unnecessary new questions. After that, well, they got really Lost.
It took them three more seasons to introduce uncountable plotholes, deus ex machinas all over the place, ruined all my favorite characters and still managed to not give any satisfactory answers.

Started out great, but the last time I was this disappointed by a tvshow was when Firefly was cancelled.

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I can't believe we used to enjoy this show, it aged so badly haha.

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1-2-3 seasons are brilliant, the others are ugly

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Horrible ending..period

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S1 and S2: 9/10

S4: 6/10

S3: 5/10

S5: 4/10

S6: Worst season of television I've ever seen

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Season 5 was the ONLY thing good about this series!

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We would not recommend this to anyone. Terrible ending that has no resolution or conclusion.

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Greatest series in TV history..

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4/10 estimate. The show went nowhere after a strong start.

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I watched 3 episodes and I got on my nerves. The plane crashes, but even the ironing of the shirts is not damaged, no one is injured. Oh my God, a propeller is spinning as if it will never stop, people are very safe and comfortable under that propeller :) it's a waste of time!

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It was great, until the last 2 episodes and I WAS horribly disappointed. I'd say top 2 of the worst series finale ever.

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Terrible ending ruin the whole series

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The finale could not live up to the reputation of the show.

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Best show I’ve ever watched

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I'm not sure how they have so many Australian accents yet not even ONE is close to being realistic.

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Excelente série gosto muito, assistia quando criança agr estou assistindo para saber o final.

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not seen yet ok boy

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When any of my friends ask, what tv series should i watch, LOST is always a first choice answer. Some people are not satisfied with the ending and I am one of them. But sometimes journey is worth more than a destination. I loved it and watched it more than once. And when watching it for the second time you get even more involved and pay more attention to the details. Get new ideas and see new connections. Hands down to the writers who managed to write such a complex and intriguing storyline. I would recommend it every time!

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Season 1-3 is the best season of any tv show ever

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Season 1-3 is the best season of any tv show ever

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Season 1-3 are the best season of any tv show ever

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Best show ever!❤ i loved it

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this show will be a waste of your life after season 4. Its so bad yet so good. dont watch the ending....

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Awesome show. Rewatching it now!

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I love this show even with bad ending

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Miss this one so much

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Love it

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Oh man, I miss this show

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I had heard of it but never watched it. Now I've started watching it, I can't stop. It's an amazing series!!

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Josh Holloway is just so damn hot!

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This is the show that raped my braind

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Awesome stuff!

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I really burned through allot of tv-shows, and noticed i have never actually watched lost. (couple of times on tv) but decided to give it a go. im a week into this show and currently on season 4.

Confusing at times but for what i have seen now a great show

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The show was the best thing since sliced bread during Season 1 - 3. After that.. Meeehhh.

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