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Lost: Season 2

2x19 S.O.S.

S.O.S. (2006)

Bernard: [to Mr. Eko] I think I liked you better when you just hit people with your stick.

Charlie Pace: I like you just the way you are.

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Man, this Rose character is annoying as hell. More than Sharon and that’s a lot.

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The net trap part was silly. Kate wouldn't be that stupid.

Damn, Bernard must be loaded if Rose was willing to sacrifice 10k just to make him think she'd been cured. At the time, she only thought she had one year left. That's not that much time for giving up $10,000.
Well, he is a dentist, and was also single until his mid-50s. I guess he would be loaded.

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Ahmed Hamdy (in these comments) was right, Jack and Kate pinned close together trapped in the net! Lol just kidding. :wink::smile:

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This episode has one of the romantic moments you could ever see :)

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