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Lost: Season 2

2x20 Two for the Road

Two for the road indeed

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Two for the Road (2006)

Sawyer: [to Christian Shephard] Hey, I'm walkin' here!

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I totally forgot that happened, what the fuck.

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bruhhhhh nooo tf is that even

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I didn't see this coming at all. This made me hate Michael even more.

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One of those episodes where the ending is impactful and stands out as a noteworthy moment in the series, but the rest of the episode is kind of meh.

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One of the most shocking and memorable episode endings ever

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excuse me what the fuck?

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Well, that was bloody unexpected! What the hell? I guess it worked, whatever it was that they did to Michael. I know that they told him where to go pretending to be his son on the computer. Now Michael shot himself to make it look like Henry (not Henry) did it.

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2004 like plot twist. I'm amazed. Good job Sarnoff

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What the fuck did you do Michael?! What in the name of everything holy has just happened?!!!!

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wtf was that? i know why i hated that man from the begining

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Okay no. What the FUCK.

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