Claire, girl, no:sob::sob::sob: you deserve so much better:sob::sob::sob:

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It feels like the writers threw a bunch of random ideas to see what sticks. It's frustrating

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Live Together, Die Alone: Part 2 (2006)

Penelope 'Penny' Widmore: All we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us. And you have her. I will wait for you always. I love you.

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"We're the good guys, Michael." Iconic.

[Mild spoiler for future seasons] Can you believe that both "Henry" and Desmond weren't going to be recurring characters originally? They're two of the best in the whole series. Goes to show you that your rough draft is never your best one.

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Apparently the Dharma computers, though from the 1980s, are immune from the Y2K issue even though they used a 2 digit date: 922044:16.

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That was epic, and this is all back in 2006, wow! This series really changed the TV shows for good xD

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Thanks, revisiting this show after almost 15 years is wonderful. Hasn’t lost its charm!

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