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Lost: Season 5

5x03 Jughead

I'd happily get stranded on an island for the rest of my life if that Ellie girl was on it

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So Desmond had a son, and named him Charlie? As in name after the Charlie that we know?

Who is that blonde girl? She makes me think of Claire, even sometimes sounds a bit like her.

If Sawyer had killed Mr. Widmore when he shot at him, it would certainly undo a lot including erasing Penny. But supposedly you can't change things that have already happened. Which makes sense to me because, as in this example, if Sawyer killed Widmore then all of this might not have happened, if it wouldn't have happened than Sawyer wouldn't have ever been there, so he couldn't kill Widmore and therefore you're back at the beginning with it all still happening! Lol :thinking::grin:

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Lol that Oxford was laughably fake. Ancient blonde sandstone, NOT white granite/concrete...

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I binge watched the first 3 episodes and the premiere was very exciting but it kinda deflated from then on. The stuff with young Widmore was intriguing, though. Time to provide answers on his background and motivations!

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OMG, so Widmore was on the island, back in his youth but pre-Darma?.... Mysterious...

Desmond; you had a chance to walk away and yet... you are getting back into the game.

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Dear God, what in the name of everything holy has just happened, that was a big-time surprise, I didn't expect it at ALL!!

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Widmore was on the island! Gotta love an episode where Desmond is one of the main characters.

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