Shouts about...

Lost: Season 6

6x01 LA X (1)

Wow, directing and camera shots were amazing in this episode. Not to mention these two parallel universes which are awesome, each with its own storyline xD

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I've seen this show like 4 times now and I've only just now realized the flash sideways are supposed to be what would happen if their plan worked and the plane never crashed:ok_woman_tone2:‍♀:type_3:‍♀
I always thought it was a random alternate universe just for funsies, I feel so dumb in retrospect :joy:

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Oceanic 815 landing in LAX is one of the most amazing scenes with a beautiful soundtrack as well. Seeing everyone get off the plane and all those little references to things that never happened is one of those amazing moments on TV that doesn't happen very often.

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I loved Sawyer and Juliet's last scene in the season 5 finale so I think their goodbye scene here was unnecessary and fan service-y. Sayid surviving was lame too.

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Yeah of course they just kill Juliet off because why would you let Sawyer be in a happy and healthy relationship with an amazing and strong woman?

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That’s an Oval! It has to be a perfect circle!

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Losing Juliet, and getting Boone and Charlie back has got to be the worst trade ever.

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Shout by Simon

I don't understand LOL

So; we are now running two stories in parallel are we. The world of the Island which is now 30 yrs in the future from where they were at the end fo season 5 - and - the plane lands sucessfully.....

This is gonna be great! Tell me more

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