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Lost: Season 6

6x09 Ab Aeterno

The Black Rock destroyed the Statue...
Whait what?!?
Well for me it was the Storm and the Black Rock "flew" over the Statue...
Ridiculous but more plausable than wood destroys stone and besides that the Black Rock would have been a total mess when it hit the ground and... aaah forget it! :D

But what I love is, that Arzt was right in the first place and we got the Answer right in the beginning^^

Besides that it was an awesome Episode

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Thats one heck of a ship, built by craftsman, that can take down huge statues - I can only assume it was hollow or maybe defective; but it didn't look that way.

That was one heck of a storm surge though

Loved the back story to Richard. I didn't understand it all. But I loved it.

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Beautiful episode with lots of information in general and a lot of background for Richard.

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I've been watching all these many years and just noticed this. In the opening scene, where Jacob is visiting Ilana , he tells her that she must protect the "remaining" six candidates. The scene must take place after the death of Jeremy Bentham/John Locke. She is heavily bandaged and bruised from being burned. She had been this way for some time (Jacob apologizes for not having come sooner), yet when she boards the Ajira 316 flight with Sayid just a short time later, she looks remarkably well, not a trace of her suffering to be seen.

Jacob healed her.

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I understand all the hate season 6 gets, I really do. And at the same time I can't not love how good it feels that in its slow pace it can silently deepen the philosophy of the series. Looks like a nice epilogue so far.

I wonder though: are they going somewhere with the parallel universe, as we saw some of the characters to be confused sometimes, like they feel something is different, or they are having a déja vu (like Jack's scar of the surgery), or those parts are just 'there'?

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Love when established series try fresh and new things, as opposed to the ones that always play safe. This episode is one of Lost's most unique and interesting ones, and made me like Richard even more. It's great that Lost cares about its secondary characters to give them really well-made episodes centered entirely about them.

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The first half felt too telenovela-esque but it got better after the shipwreck.

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Damon Lindelof should've released this as a movie and won Best Picture instead of releasing it in the middle of a mediocre season of Lost where it will get NO RECOGNITION

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One of the best episodes! Explained a lot more than any episodes did. Loved everything especially Nestor's Acting (Richard)

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Omg yeah! 'Arnzt' did mention about that :O

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