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Lost in Space: Season 3

3x02 Contact

A year has passed and yet this super advanced robot can only say "Yes", "No", "Family" and "Danger Will Robinson"? Really?

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Dunno if they changed the dialogue writers, but this season’s dialogues are so tacky and stupid. Letdown…

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That opening sequence, what BS :sweat_smile:

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this episode had such an emotional colour to it. no spoilers.

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Yay, I'm happy for Judy that she got to meet her biological father. And that the whole thing worked out - there were quite a few risks / things that could've easily gone wrong...

It's surprising that Smith managed to free/"rescue" them from the cave. IMO the smart move would've been to first tell someone from the camp though - otherwise it would be game over if Smith got lost/trapped too. At least she helped them - I wasn't sure about that.

The robots are so scary... :o
I'm way older than 12 but the robots are so overpowered compared to the humans that I find them genuinely scary!

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