I've noticed after watching the series finds out that, despite the super scenarios, science fiction and all that remarkable series, responsible for the final "MEEEEHHHHH" is HBO, put the penultimate or antepenultimate chapter in top plan, get to the last and you have left a poker face, you think: "What now?".

I think I believe that after Game of Thrones and now seeing Lovecraft Country, HBO should rethink and improve the final before issuing or else continue to do crap after crap and never find their "GoT" as they say.

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I can't be the only one who found this confusing as hell, am I?
Overall, the season was not as consistently good as Watchmen but there were some great moments here and there.

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I hated the ending.

I get that the bad guys here are white (although I actually count Atticus as bad as well, considering he used Nazi Konzentration-Camp methods in Korea "interrogating" civilians) - I don't get how they banned ALL WHITE people from magic without banning a large portion of the "non-whites" as well, since most people these days are mixed race, even if they look like just being part of one.

Does it go by percentages?

Bloodline would have made more sense and would have been less racist. But maybe that was the point, being racist back...

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What is it with HBO and stumbling at the end of series? First Game of Thrones and now this. Maybe they should just stop before the end of shows and save their viewers the disappointment.

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Such a boring mess... It all feels like a waste of time now.
it had a lot of potential though, don't know what happened to this show

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Muddled throughout, so this ending is very on brand. HBO have been doing this thing of the penultimate episode being the best of the season for a while now, and so it proves once again.

Overall the show was worth watching solely for the gorgeously realised period setting, but I highly doubt I will ever give the baffling "story" another thought, much less another watch.

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Don't read this if you haven't watched it.
I got that last cookie satisfaction -- mmm-mm! Bittersweet, but full of emotional satisfaction. My eighth grade English teacher told us to enjoy poetry invest yourself...one personal tidbit: My avatar is Jiriya Sensei (a.k.a. "The Pervy Sage") from the Japanese manga and anime, "Naruto: Shippûden," in which Jiraya has a very close relationship to the main character Naruto. Naruto's parents trapped the spirit of the nine tailed fox in Naruto's body when he was just a baby -- it's a major plot device through much of Naruto's story, and I was able to transfer my (considerable) emotional load to this when Atticus' ex-lover used the nine-tailed fox to help him and Letty bind Christina...bringing the story full circle.
I wanted Christina to be allowed to live, but remembered that for certain types of movies the guilty must be -- was it punished, or consequences for their actions? Anyway, a girl and her dog -- nice puppy.

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Oh, ok ok...
Wait, what?

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To the 75 persons who rated this episode with 10: Seriously?
We didn't saw what happened with Rudy.
How Leticia gets the spell again?
Why treat Ji-ah like that and what's the thing with this HBO bad ending at all?

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Well... that was... something... and by "THAT" I mean the entire rage inspired, (albeit righteously so) but structurally unsound show...
Anyway, after her "take a walk in my shoes with barbed wire around your neck" experience by the docks, I was hoping for redemption for Christina in the end, but she (the writers) went and fucked that up in true "this is why we can't have nice things and happy endings with hope for a better future" style. Also, Ruby deserved better.

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Maybe it’s because I kept nodding off half way through this episode but don’t understand everything that happened at the end.

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So they just let Ruby die like that huh? Also, Tic, you sonofabitch, after what you said to Ji-Ah, after the way he treated her!!! And then he come crawling back to her!

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This show had gone in so many different directions, but it paid off in the end. It's quite the ride; definitely worth the watch for this spooky season. :fire::octopus::fire:

Life could be a dream, sweetheart~ :notes:

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Skip the last episode. Very disappointing.

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Great season finale, i think the show deserves a good 8, its a really good show

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Wth was this???

Poor ending and overall it wasn't a great show. I watched it cause I thought I had nothing better to do.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

A bit of a let down finale but I expect they were matching the book. I don't think Christina deserved that ending.

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Not the finale I think the show deserved but I think that just speaks to how fun the journey was, that no destination was gonna feel satisfactory in comparison

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The season has flashes of brilliance (and even sometimes able to concentrate it through a whole episode, especially the pilot and "Meet Me in Daegu"), but the finale is its messy self. Fun enough but very rushed, and I feel like it does Ruby dirty. The flashback montage at least doesn't have her character completely derailed (briefly shown that she's not dead yet).

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