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Lucifer: Season 3

3x10 The Sin Bin

The Sinnerman plot line was getting dumb and, quite honestly, I felt it was dragging this season down, so I'm glad they've evolved it into something more interesting. We obviously knew there was something fishy going on with Captain Smallville, now we finally have confirmation he's not like everyone else. I'm curious to see how this new character will fit in the story...

Oh, and I just couldn't take Sinnerman seriously anymore as soon as Lucifer drew those cute eyes on him. Really, I can even hardly remember what he said since then, I was too busy laughing about it.

Anyway, Nickelback on repeat? LMAO!!

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Lucifer thinking at the end : "Damn what if I was wrong ?"

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Nice plot twist at the end, even though you could see it coming from miles away.
It was pretty obvious from the moment he appeared on the show that there was more the story of Cpt. Pierce .

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Shout by Xzenor

I expected it to be Pierce.. But holy crap I did not expect that twist in the story. That was an AWESOME twist!

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Shout by Eduardo

Marcus Pierce is Cain

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Damn ! What an episode. I got a Little scared when Clark wasn't waking up. I came to watch Lucifer because Tom Welling was acting here.

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Shout by Ana David

When Cain started breathing again, I just went "They had us in the first half, not gonna lie".

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Sometimes Cloe is just too much of a dumbass.

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Good job I watched supernatural to know who Cain is... great twist! Second half of the season is gonna be awesome

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It's nice but they should add way more evil to Lucifer (u don't feel that much even when he's angry, u expect lots of destruction and pain) but still nice series

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Although I expected him to be the bad guy, I did not expect that

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Shout by zarischka

Gotta say... not impressed. Lucifer has a few more idiot moments. Maze tortures someone who quite possibly doesn't deserve it. Obvious twist is obvious... Right now I am watching because of Tom Welling and (oddly enough, since I am usually not really a fan) for Tricia Helfer.

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this season is evolving and gets better and better
i watched supernatural completely but even with it's awesomeness it never had this amount of awesome endings in every single episode
i just love how this is going

the writer must be a genius

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