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Lucifer: Season 3

3x09 The Sinnerman

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-12-05T19:32:56Z— updated 2017-12-10T14:10:12Z

Okay, it's so obvious that Maze is in love with Linda. All that "she's my best friend" crap? Please. I don't understand why they didn't let her just say it outright, at least to herself. This is the romance we deserve. PULL THE FUCKING TRIGGER, YOU COWARDS!

Charlotte Richards: I have done nothing wrong, ever, in my life.
Me, a hopeless lesbian with a weakness for powerful women in suits: I know this, and I love you.

Somewhere along the way, when I wasn't paying attention, she snuck up on me and became like, easily one of my top 3 favorite characters on this show. She's fantastic.

Sinnerman's one dramatic bitch, isn't he?

Can Chloe and the Lieutenant just... not? Please? We have 4 men in the main cast and Chloe's had romantic relationships with 2 of them. 3 is just too much. And it feels forced as hell. We know Deckerstar is endgame here. Why even bother with other love interests when we know they're not going to last?

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The sinner, sins, I want to see the confrontation between Lucifer and him

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Shout by Xzenor

Cool episode.. except for that bold&the-beautiful storyline that's picking up between Amenadiel, Maze and Linda. FFS, it's the start of a soap...

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Really love watching Tom Welling on TV ! Earlier today I watched Smallville Season 1 and it's interesting how much he changed. Actually I came to watch Lucifer to see Tom on screen again.

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Really? You think that the guy caught is Sinnerman? LOL.
The head of the criminal group with a great power and above-average intelligence is going to personally kill some minor "MOB-s"?

In my opinion Sinnerman is ....
Lieutenant Marcus Pierce
PS. I did not check on the Internet to not myself spoil the pleasure of watching. After this episode I am almost 100% sure.

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