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Luther: Season 1

1x02 Episode 2

"Befriending" a psychopath... yeah that sounds like a great idea... :see_no_evil:

Calling a bunch of cops into an empty warehouse was so obviously a trap I can't fathom they didn't send just a few people in to investigate rather than a whole bunch. I mean they basically wrote "TRAP" on the front door... Come on.
The way the episode ended didn't have me convinced either. A cop-killer in custody, and "we're on the same team here" and "don't worry you'll be safe"s? Really?

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I enjoyed the episode other than the part where he went on TV to bait him. That was stupid. The Alice stuff is far fetched too.

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Idris Elba and Sean Pertwee facing off? Awesome.

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so angry all the time. settle down

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I didn't expect that: a completely new case. So this is more episodic then ? Much better. Of course now Alice becomes a distraction rather then the focus. And I am already tired of her. They can't pin the murder of her parrents on her but by now she already commited two proofable crimes. Since she is pretty much there for the rest of the show I guess I'll have to deal with her.

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