I'm in tears, bravo :sob:

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I watched this again for the first time since it aired. It was better than I remembered it being, possibly because I can relate more to what Don was going through at that time because I am at a different part in my life. I could also appreciate how Weiner teased the last scene throughout the last few episodes. It was such a joy to watch - I can't wait to watch the whole thing again in a few years.

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It felt like he had season seasons to write an awesome ending but didn’t write it until the end when he was under pressure to do so. He could have more elegantly brought closure to multiple characters. I felt it was a wasted opportunity but was still very good 7/10 I would say.

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Fantastic ended! So glad I binged this show. Not sure I could have waited from week to week got new episodes.

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A beautiful end to the best TV show the world has seen.

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hell, I love it. Perfect show

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Honestly, I didn't like it. I hoped more. I don't know what but I needed something else.

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I'm feeling mixed emotions! I cried, laughed, smiled and then cried again. I wasn't expecting such a brilliant and well directed finale, truth to be told it was really better than my expectations! Mad Men was a real masterpiece!

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Perfection..pure perfection. Sterling's penultimate line "Rich Little Bastard" LOL i will miss Roger
Harry Crane did'nt even get a send off...so clever as he was so irrelevant , a big two fingers to Harry Crane easily ignored LOL.
Peggy, Stan and Joan to conquer the world.
Pete finally grew up.
And the ending of Don..just perfect. The man crying in therapy was genius. We know how Don feels but he is still that old school man without the vocabulary to speak his feelings....this obviously changed
Who would have thought Don was responsible for one of the most renowned adverts in history :)Did you notice the receptionist in the Coke advert.
Bravo to Michael Weiner for not trating the audience like morons. We don't have to have everything spelled out for us ..we can sometimes fill in the gaps.

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I feel as though I need to buy the world a Coke now.

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I really was expecting more for the end... I not telling it doesn't likes me, but somehow I always wanted things to end bad for Don, I'm happy for the others but Don has been kind of bad and all that peace for him at the end and that hippie thing, I don't know, was too good. Was a great show, great characters, despite that I hated Don all along the seasons. By the way, Sterling was the best till the end.

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Beautiful. Can't complain at all. It ended everything in a good way, not as some of us have hoped, but good nonetheless. Mad Men was Matt Weiner's ride all along, and we were just the passengers, it was always his call.

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Not too sure how I feel about this finale. It seemed rushed. I initially didn't like how Dons arch finished however it is growing on me.

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