Sally Draper is my kinda punk.

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damn i didn't see anything of this episode coming WTF

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Great episode, lots of twists and turns I didn't expect.

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Betty can be awful but it seems like she acts out whenever people are dismissive of her. I like that she confronted Henry about people trying to shut her up. Back in season 1 we saw that with her being checked on at the shrink’s office. As if she couldn’t be trusted to think for herself.

Megan...seriously? What a spoiled brat. She basically ran the girl off when she needed help. Very selfish and bratty. She was jealous of the ‘niece’ but was okay with (and initiating) the after party? Ridiculous but sadly, it seems in character for her.

Ginsberg...yikes! Feel bad for him, Peggy, and Stan there.

Good move by Don and one of the few times since season 1 that Harry does something decent.

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