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Malgudi Days

Season 1 1987

  • 1987-03-16T18:30:00Z on DD National
  • 25m
  • 2h 56m (8 episodes)
  • India
  • English, Hindi
  • Drama
13 episodes broadcast on Doordarshan National in 1986. The first episode filmed as a pilot was "Old Man in the Temple" (Mandir ka Budda), though it was the seventh episode aired.

8 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 Swamy And Friends I

Series Premiere

1x01 Swamy And Friends I

  • 1987-03-16T18:30:00Z22m

Swamy is the son of a traditional Hindu Lawyer – W. T. Srinivasan. Swamy is studying in First form in a Mission school. He was insulted by his friends Somu, Shankar & Mani for taking the matter to his father about twisting of his ears by Christian Scripture teacher as Swamy protests against the insulting reference to the Hindu religion made by his teacher.

Rajam, a new comer, son of Deputy Superintendent of Police joins the Mission school. Everybody admires Rajam as he is a brilliant student and well dressed, self confident and above all is the son of D.S.P. But Mani hates Rajam and he wants to humble him but later become friends.


1x02 Swamy And Friends II

1x02 Swamy And Friends II

  • 1987-03-24T18:30:00Z22m

Srinivasan, the father of Swamy insists that Swamy study at all times as his examination is nearing. Swamy invites Rajam to his house and Swamy’s friends Somu, Shankar and others make fun of him as “Rajam’s Tail”. This results in a quarrel between Swamy and Mutter.
Mani interferes and tries to console them. As Somu insults Mani, as he is very proud of his club, thus leads to a fight between them and Principal interferes and send them to their classes.Rajam invites home his friends including Mani and Swamy. He pleads with everyone to give up enemity and become friends and he offers them lot of gifts and snacks.


1x03 Swamy And Friends III

1x03 Swamy And Friends III

  • 1987-03-31T18:30:00Z22m

There is only a week left for the examination. Mani is little confused with the lessons. He tries to get some hints, the questions that is expected in the examination by offering some fruits and vegetables to the clerk. But the clerk refuses to tell anything saying that, he does not know about the questions that is prepared for the exam. The clerk advises Mani to study all the lessons and be prepared for the exam. They finish the examination and come out with joy as they have two months holidays, before them. But, Swamy’s father insists that Swamy study the lessons of next year’s syllabus.


1x04 Swamy And Friends IV

1x04 Swamy And Friends IV

  • 1987-04-07T18:30:00Z22m

During the holidays, Swamy wishes to play the hoop. He enquires the cartman for spare cycle wheel. The cartman says, he can make a new hoop for Five Rupees as he does not have the money to pay for the hoop, Swamy pleads with him to give some idea for having the hoop. The greedy cartman agrees to mint the money by some magic by putting some copper coins along with some special herbs in a pot and performing Yoga in the night and convert the copper coins into silver coins. For this he wants six copper coins. Swamy somehow manages to give him eighteen paise. But later the cartman refuses to recognize Swamy and says, Swamy has not given any money. After discussing with Mani and Rajam, Swamy plans to kidnap the son of the cartman, so that he can get the wheel or the money he paid. But their plan fails.


1x05 Swamy And Friends V

1x05 Swamy And Friends V

  • 1987-04-14T18:30:00Z22m

Swamy is now possessed by the patriotic fever to liberate India from the British, listening to the speech of a leader. The crowd protests against the arrest of Malgudi’s great leader, Gowri Shankar, by boycotting the Lancashire cloth and burning it and there by directly hitting the economy of British. In response to this call Swamy pulls off his Khadder cap, thinking it as Lancashire cloth, and puts onto the fire. In response to the call given by the speaker to close down the offices and the institutions to protest the arrest of their leader, Swamy throws some stones on the window of the principal’s room and breaks the glass. The Head master and the peon observe the mischief. The next day the Head master punishes the students for their absence on the previous day. Swamy is severely caned for breaking the glasses and he comes out of the school and refuse to go to that school again. The he joins the Board school, the only other school in Malgudi.


1x06 Swamy And Friends VI

1x06 Swamy And Friends VI

  • 1987-04-21T18:30:00Z22m

Swamy finds his new school more problematic than Albert Mission School as he has lot of home work to do and also the drill class which interferes with the new found passion — Cricket. Swamy and his friends start a cricket team and name it a M.C.C. — the Malgudi Cricket Club with Rajam as Captain and challenges the home team Y.M.U. — the Young Man’s Union cricket team. Swamy even misses his drill class to practice cricket with the aim of defeating the Y.M.U. team in their first match.


1x07 Swamy And Friends VII

1x07 Swamy And Friends VII

  • 1987-04-28T18:30:00Z22m

With only a week left for the match, Swamy could not come to practice on time due to the drill class. At last they find a way of solving this problem. According to this, Rajam has to visit the Head master of Board school and request him to exempt Swamy from the drill class till the match is over. But this does not work. Swamy goes to a doctor to get a false medical certificate saying that, he is suffering from severe Delirium and needs rest and that he be exempted from the scouting and drill classes. As Swamy has a sound health, the doctor refuses to give false certificate. But, promises that he will talk to the Head master and allow him to leave the school at 4.30 thus help him to practice cricket. But the doctor couldn’t keep up the promise.

By his constant absence for drill classes and scouting, the Head master canes Swamy severely. With severe pain Swamy snatches the cane from the Head Master and runs away from school with his books. Then he rushes to Rajam’s school and informs him about the incident and promises him to meet in the evening at the ground.

He now has another problem of facing his father. Now that he has come out of Board school and he cannot go back to Mission school again. He looks very depressed and grumbling all the way enter the forest without his knowledge and loses his way.


1x08 Swamy And Friends VIII

1x08 Swamy And Friends VIII

  • 1987-05-05T18:30:00Z22m

The search for Swamy begins in Malgudi. Swamy’s father runs everywhere in search of him but could not find him.
Swamy losing his way in the forest, is scared by the terrible sound and roaring of the animals and he falls asleep on the way. A cartman finds Swamy and takes him to the forest officer. He succeeds in finding the address of Swamy and sends message to the D.S.P., Rajam’s father at Malgudi, about Swamy.
On Sunday, the cricket match starts between M.C.C. & Y.M.U. Y.M.U. bats first and no bowler succeeds in restricting the Y.M.U. team scoring. They score a big total and ask M.C.C. to bat. But Rajam’s team fails to get the runs and they lose the match.

Swamy returns home with his father to his mother and grandmother. Thinking the day as Saturday, Swamy returns Malgudi with a lot of hope of winning the match against Y.M.U., the next day. But he was late. They were already lost the match.

Rajam is very angry with Swamy as he is the main cause for their defeat. Swamy tries to meet Rajam and explain the situation and ask for his forgiveness. But his attempts are in vain. Then he learns from Mani that Rajam’s father is transferred to Thiruchirapalli and they are leaving the next day. Swamy somehow manages to see Rajam in the Railway station and give him a book as gift. Swamy bics farewell to Rajam with his eyes full of tears.
