uhhhh... anyone else getting the sense that back in k'un-lun, davos and danny weren't just simply friends?? because davos seems pretty pissed at colleen and danny at the end and danny seems to always masterfully avoid bringing her up ??

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This show has a weird way of getting you to semi like a character in one scene then despise them in the other. Colleen asking one of her students to risk her job and pulling the "I am your sensi" card was selfish. She could've asked her to show her the way and then she can get the meds herself. I was happy she did her "job" and called The Hand. But then they think so little of Colleen to send a couple of kids to deal with her, and she discovers they're not who they thought they were, and maybe Danny wasn't so wrong. Even though he always sounds like a brainwashed machine who's being used to destroy things blindly and without question, which I'm not sure the writers are aware they're doing with their "hero" of the story. Anyway, in that moment I found myself suddenly and for the first time rooting for her? So happy she kicked their asses and escaped. That scene at the end in the rain with Colleen and Danny is probably the only believable and good scene with them so far this season.

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May be different name of group, instead of The Ear or The Arm, The Left Hand or The Right Hand us good enough! :joy:

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Confirmed: Colleen was just incredibly stupid.

Danny is losing it, and it's a little too "anger leads to the dark side" cliché.

A default of the whole show: flashbacks are scarce, but when there are some they are totally void of information or interest.

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Did not you think to put another name? Like The Ear? Or the Arm?

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