I can only imagine Lewis Tan was told to do that atrocious mockney accent...

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At this point I'm way more invested in Joy and Ward's arc and storyline than in Danny trying to take down the Hand. The Hand continues to bore me so much.
Claire was good in this episode.

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Wondering why one who stayed with monk for 15 years and practiced on his chi, can't keep a calm (in flight) or a patience (outside alleged drug making big building)

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Good fights, specially with the drunken guy. He seemed to have a special status so I hope we'll see more of him in the future, when sober.

All the rest was meh

They're capturing Gao, but for what exactly ? And Gao expected to stop the Iron Fist with just that ? Really ? Last time she had 4 special experts for the challenge.

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The Ward and Joy storyline is now more interesting than the Danny one. Rosario Dawson is a beautiful badass though and I'm happy she's in all these shows.

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I've started skipping the boardroom scenes. They drag every episode down. I don't know what the writers could have done differently, but they should have tried something.

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Now I know of whom Madama Gao reminds me of - anybody know the spider Thekla from Maya the Bee ?

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Danny seems like he was one character at the start of the show and now he is another, a different and less likable and relatable version. Which is interesting since nothing major has happened to warrant such change. He claims to have been learning control for the past 15 years but he's literally all over the place with his emotions. Colleen loses her personality when she's around Danny, not that she had much of one before. Claire is too good to be on this show, but I'm still glad to have her around to make this bearable. Ward in my humble opinion is basically stealing the show with his character and performances. Joy needs to get the hell away from everything and everyone and start fresh somewhere.

The upshot is that in a show with kung fu and ninjas and magic powers, the most interesting part is, oddly enough, the two rich kids dealing with getting kicked out of their father’s company.

Agree with this comment here wholeheartedly.

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I feel like I'd enjoy this show a lot more if Danny was played almost literally by anyone else. How was this their best candidate? Sigh. Still, Claire Temple to the rescue forever and ever.

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Iron Fist vs Drunken Fist. Love it!

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Wow, they even used the "drunk but hard to beat martial arts guy" cliché... Anyway, it was probably the only actually good fight the show had, so far. Apart from it, every fight in the first season of Daredevil was so much better than any brawl on this show.

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What a great show this is turning out to be. I guess most of the critics just watched the first 2 or 3 episodes and gave it a bad review.

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Shout by Jim222001

Ward's jerkness shows more as he lets Danny think the Hand is responsible for his father's murder and that it's Danny fault. Even calls him a cancer. Ouch.
I am sure Danny will be over that by their next scene together though.

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The Drunken fight was great. But I'm REALLY bothered with the "goodie" attitude of everyone regarding Madame Gao. That's just not real. I don't mean KILL her right away, but the honest thing to do is to smack the old witch around a little. Come on Netflix, you're Netflix not ABC or the PG-13 MCU!

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Rosario Dawson Ex Machina!

PS: the best fight so far in the show, against the drunken monkey style guy.

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