It's a bit boring season up till now. Better fighting scenes than in the 1st season. But Ward again is very annoying. And slow pace. What's about Mary?

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A very interesting yet mundane scene that gives some credit to Davos' motivations. Davos does not eat meat, like, I suppose, everyone in Kunlun. And despite incredulously hinting to it several times, Danny is, as usual, totally stupid and oblivious of the issue. Kunlun is gone, and the Iron FIst has become someone so foreign to its principles that Davos obviously can't acknowledge it.

Mary turns out to have much more potential than anticipated. The distinction between Mary and [spoiler]Walker as well as the change of attitude suggests several personalities (or an evil twin but that would be much less interesting). She apparently also has a lot of fighting potential.[spoiler]

Never been fan of the Joy/Ward family drame. Does not improve here.

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The fights, at least, have improved

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Danny and Colleen plan to invite Joy and Davos over for dinner (and secretly Ward, although he never shows). Together, Colleen wishes that all four of them be honest with each other about what is going on. Knowing that Danny and Colleen are being watched, Davos suggests he and Joy leave. Mary's warning that they are being watched ultimately is actually just her and she was paid by Davos and Joy to do so. Hmm... As for Danny and Colleen, they go with Mrs. Yang to a negotiation. Suspecting there might be something wrong, Danny suggests they leave but alas, a fight breaks out and Danny and Colleen kick some ass.

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Nice Development in Ward and Danny's relationship can be seen.
That dinner was disaster thanks to Collen and Davos.
Love that fight.

Mary is walker how unpredictable.

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This season is so f... boring that it is unbelievable! It's even worse then the first season.

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Decent episode. Davos is laughable.

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The best one so far! Every character got some time to shine, it was intense and there was more well-executed fighting.

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slow episode for the most part but I really enjoy all the manipulation going on at the dinner scene

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this episode was a bit slower but I love all the manipulating going on at the dinner scene

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