link to the comics
as usual, uBlock Origin prolly a good idea

Quick read. Story's quite different, so no worry of spoilers for this video series. Lots of cross-overs. Lots of watercolor inner-city backgrounds.

I just had to see whether she had the same perfectly arranged scarf. I'm still not clear on which came first.

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The setting was a little weird, it felt both rushed and a little long. I was afraid it'd take ages to get to her trauma and weird habits, but looks like we're getting right into it. I kinda like the classic polar vibe and the investigation part. Ending's a shocker, so it's a good start.
Other characters are still in the background, so not sure how important they'll be. Trish's acting was really bad though.

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Jessica should no longer have blood but whiskey in the veins of so much drinking it, that evil power is scary, we will continue to see

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That pilot is... slow, but it could be interesting.

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Overall I enjoyed the pilot. The plot, the acting, the main character seems interesting, but I'm really not into her being personally victimized. Come on. Between that and casual oversexualization of comic book female heroes, I can't help but feel let down. I mean if I wanted that, I'd watch some usual painfully annoying shit with a female protagonist.

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I got 10 minutes in and turned it off. Bad acting, bad writing, everything predictable, etc.

Not even going to bother with watching any of the other episodes.

p.s. Netflix, if you happen to read this, quit cramming Liberal agendas down our throats.

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That pilot ... so cool and well acted. Not good as Daredevil but definitely a good TV show !

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2015-11-20T20:39:24Z— updated 2016-08-14T01:03:08Z

A bit slow but well acted and pretty twisted. Marvel isn't all shits and giggles like DC fans think...

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Shout by Deleted

This was a pretty terrifying start (10/10).

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