Jessica to Matt:

  • I'm a PI. I put two and two together. Besides, you leaping around the city like a Russian gymnast didn't exactly help.

I want more of this stuff!!

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That look Jessica gave Elektra in the last scene was priceless! She was like: "You'd better stay down, bitch! If the boys hesitate to punch you in the face, I sure won't!" I love Jessica Jones !

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No better ending for an episode than Jessica ex machina.

I haven't talked about the opening credits yet, so here goes: they're amazing. And the music is very Avengers-y. It has that larger-than-life, epic feel to it.

Danny is so fucking annoying, acting like those three strangers he just met are supposed to drop everything and join his mystic quest. But it was interesting to see his world view clash with those of Luke and Jessica, who are both very pragmatic and don't want any part of all the supernatural stuff. And poor Matt. He's so traumatized. He and Elektra were kind of my OTP, so it's incredibly heartbreaking for me to see him like that, still reeling from his loss.

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Luke rolling his eyes when Danny is on about the Iron Fist is literally me. He's known him two seconds and he's already done with his shit. I feel you, bro. Just imagine having a whole season of that. Oh and how Matt went from "yours was always loud and clear" to "I couldn't hear her heartbeat." That was so sad. But the last minute? I AM SCREAMING.

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Shout by FinFan

Was a slow moving episode up until the end. That´s the kind of stuff that makes you want to watch more.

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"My name is Matthew"... sure, aaaaaand ? Come on, say it !

Damn, they really click together, I didn't expect this. There's this whole story with the Hand. They're looking for something, probably underground, protected by Kunlun, and what could it be, because they actually have the Black Sky. This seemed to be meant to find a way to keep Alexandra from dying (would she take over Elektra's body ?). But after this one, it looks more like they're looking for more resources for their resurrection trick.
But actually who cares ? Drop away the plot, I just want to see more of them interacting.

If the Hand is these five people, the Gao/Bakuto beef in Iron Fist is super weird. They've been working together for millennia and fight between themselves to this level now ? And the others don't stop them for the chaos it can bring to the organization ?

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Matt: We need to kill the lights.
Jess: How do you even know they're on?

Hahaha, the interaction between Jessica and Daredevil is hilarious XD
And again, I really like Jessica sarcastic way <3

On the other hand, this quote also was funny with Luke's reaction

Luke: How are you still hungry?
Iron Fist: It takes a lot of energy to summon my chi

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Shout by itachi

Dany : "Whatever it is you are."
Jessica : "Classy."


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Shout by Deleted

The best episode so far.
Love Jessica at the end.
Danny always acting like a child.
Luke's the best.
Daredevil, i love you.

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Looking for explanations and answers, another thing is that you like

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