Sweet Christmas. When the camera started moving closer to Alexandra's face and the music was building up in the background, I had a feeling that something would interrupt her big speech. But I certainly didn't expect... that. The only thing I can say: YES! FUCK YES! You go, Elektra! Look at my murderous wife taking her destiny into her own hands! I was hoping that we would see her with her iconic sais at some point since they kind of foreshadowed it with her looking at them while choosing her weapon, but that was the best possible way to do it. What an ending.

Danny's a fucking childish idiot (but what else is new) who refuses to listen to anyone and tries to fight the only three people who can help him bring down the Hand. How does Colleen put up with him? He's insufferable.

I liked Jessica and Matt's little bonding time. They make a good team.

Well, looks like Stick's dead. I never liked the guy anyway, so good riddance.

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yes!!! elektra my girl!!!!

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In my opinion this show is at its best when it focuses on the banter and interaction between the Defenders, so naturally this episode was quite entertaining to me. Danny with Luke and Jessica with Matt (especially the latter) work very well and I really liked their conversations in this episode. The fight scenes in the series overall have been a hit or miss for me but this episode was one of the better ones in that regard (nothing beats the Midland Circle fight scenes from the 3rd one so far though).
Unexpected twist at the end, I like it!

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Oh no they killed Stick u bastards so silly bc elektra is back but why would she kill him? XD
An he xould have killed her!

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Again, I like the jess-Matt dual there, so hilarious XD Though, this is episode is a little preparatory for the season's ending, not that strong except for the last minutes of it.

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Shout by KaKa

-And my name...is Electra Natchios. You work for me now :)
That scene
-Any questions?


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Jessica Jones has the best phrases and we take a long time to see her with a bottle / glass in the hand :-)

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Two things in that episode: Daredevil vs. Iron Fist; and Elektra. 'nuff said.

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A little bit boring episode, saved just for the last 10 minutes. I hope they get better...

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Look at Elektra acting like an obedient little soldier only to go and get her sais and drive them through the woman who used and manipulated her. Holy fucking shit. Did NOT see that ending coming. But I'm so damn glad it happened. Two heads down, three to go. Can't wait until they're all gone and this plot line is over. If I'm being honest, I'm getting tired of it. Very repetitive and boring.

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This episode was amazing!! I could never expect that ending, Elektra is back bitches!!! Also, loved to see Matt and Jessica bonding, Luke and Danny also bonded in a little different way, so it was cool too. Loved it. The next two episodes are promising to be insane!

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