I'm just like Jessica in this episode; absolutely tired of The Hand's and everyone's bullshit

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Is Iron Fist stupid or stupid? I rarely see this stupidity in editing a show like this.
That scene was like deceiving a child, LOL!

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This would not make sense but I don't care, I say Matt Murdock deserves to be the Iron Fist. lol
Also Karen needs to shut up! If someone told her to not write an article or a story because it could get her killed she'd feel that it is her duty to do her research and publish her work. It's the same for Matt, it's who he is and she needs to accept that ffs.

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Misty is insufferable and annoying as fuck.

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So Misty just deadass didn't acknowledge Matt is Daredevil even though she been suspish this whole time about him?

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Shout by itachi

Is Danny just stupid or what ? It was obvious she was waiting for his fist.

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This episode was quite the highlight, with a fierce competition between Misty Knight and Danny Rand, who takes the crown as the dumbest/most annoying protagonist in Netflix' Marvel series.
I won't try to pick a winner, but I'll say that it would be a better world without either of them.

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Danny must be one of the whiniest and DUMMEST super heroes in a long time!

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Shout by FinFan

If there was a prize for stupidity Danny would win hands down. Since he´s written that way I am at loss to explain why they did it.

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Preparing what I expect a great fight in the season finale

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As if he wanted to prove it to us, Danny shows us that he really is the most stupid character of the Defenders universe.

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Danny Rand continues to be an idiot --- check.

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Claire: "Danny's prepared his whole life for this fight. He's the Iron Fist."
Colleen: "And he will tell that to anyone who will listen. I know him. Deep down inside he is still just a kid looking for his family."

It's not just you, Colleen. Everyone can see him acting like a child.

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Best part: Matt finally stood up to Karen. Seriously...can they write her off the show permanently?

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I hate to say it but the major fight scenes are not as well choreographed as in the Daredevil series. It may just be the cinematography and editing that makes it look unimpressive.

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Frustrating that there's Misty again with all her questions. She's really annoying. Either kill her off or make her useful.
Tons of action in this one after all her annoying interrogations though.

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Locking up Danny and separating him from the group was the smartest thing this show did so far. It was refreshing having some time away from his insufferable childish and idiotic ass. I was worried before he'd lower the quality of The Defenders and I was not wrong. Seeing the three of them together without him was awesome. They are better off. So whosever idea was that, thank you. The director of the episode on the other hand, he should be fired.

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Jessica, Matt and Luke using the subway was hilarious. I don't care how many times we've seen a similar gag, it never fails to make me laugh.

Anyone else lowkey wanted Elektra to kill Danny? Boy, if only he wasn't protected by plot armor.

I'm disappointed that no one was at least a bit surprised that Claire knows all four Defenders. It feels like a missed opportunity to me.

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